

You have shortend the artikel of Warhammer. Where would you write about the Warhammer universe, witch is apropriat vor both the Warhammer Fantasy Universum and the Warhammer 40K Universum, like that it was once one and that at a later time it was decided to cut the links? Also the Warhammer Universe is not just represented by Warhammer Fantasy Battles, which is only one game of Games Workshop, that is found in the Warhammer Fantasy Universum. I think a site of the Warhammer Universum is needed. I only have made an opening with the side, but I planned to develope the side to more, and moving content from the two Warhammer sites to this side, because there are a lot of things that doesn't belong there, because the two Warhammer sites are only the sites to two games, as there decribed.

Also I wanted to make clear with that Warhammer is a copyright of Games Workshop. The medieval weapon is writen war hammer. Only for misunderstandings, I have left the link to the weapon. What do you think?

Both 'war hammer' and 'warhammer' are used for the historical weapon (here's one example of the latter; Googling will find others). GW have a trademark (not copyright) on the name 'Warhammer', but this doesn't give them exclusive ownership of the word - it just prevents other gaming companies from giving their products similar names.
I agree that it would be useful to have a separate page discussing the Warhammer universe, which is described in several different GW games as well as their novels. Probably the best name for that would be Warhammer (fictional setting), with links to that from other relevant pages. The 40K universe could be done as either Warhammer 40,000 (fictional setting) or as a section within Warhammer (fictional setting), whichever works better. --Calair 23:09, 9 February 2007 (UTC)Reply