Current To Dos

Updated as of 19-07-2021
  • Photo a metre ruler for meter page, or get photo of meter ruler
  • Make or find a photo of low supplies of toilet paper at local supermarket.
  • Take a photo in a New Zealand city whereby the majority of the image is a set of buildings and sculptures but merely displaying a mural in the background. Of course, don't let it be a visible element of the image.
  • Take photo of the chapel that remains from the now-demolished Euphrasie House
  • Take photo of the outside of Sacred Heart Girls' College, Hamilton
  • Take photo of the outside of St John's College, Hamilton

Archived To Dos

  • Create The Giver (film) quotes for WikiQuote.
  • Create an essay called "Don't be Napoleon the pig" and its nutshell being "don't use sockpuppetry or meatpuppetry to provide self-indulgence".
  • Fill out more of WP:TAFIACCOMP