Hi, I dont know why you assumed that I have not read the above discussions. Anyway just tell me a reason. why you want this article to stay and also the pictures.

All the above discussions are leading to a meaningless debate. You say my article is same as the above and you also say you did not bothered to read it and beleive that it is a moan. How is it possible you did not read it fully and consider it as same. You seem to be more holding stiff with your ego rather than being problem solving. Give me a reason why you want this article and the pictures to stay.why? rockyprime.

Conversation moved


Hi Rockyprime,

Just FYI, we have a special page set up for conversations about images in the Muhammad article: it's at Talk:Muhammad/images. I've moved the entire thread there. Just didn't want you to think your comments had been deleted.—Chowbok 02:03, 14 August 2009 (UTC)Reply