Posting Images


Hi there, welcome to Wikipedia. You have told me to add an image on the page Syed Jawad Naqvi of Syed Jawad. Yes, i can add picture but I dont have any picture of Syed Jawad Naqvi that I have taken by myself. There are many images of Syed Jawad on Internet but I cannot upload them on Wikipedia as it will cause copyright problems. According to wikipedia, you can only post or upload a photo under the following rules:

1. The image that you are posting is your own work (meaning that you have taken it yourself).

2. Second, if you want to post any image from any website, the website must be licensed under Creative Commons (It means that website have this statement in the end of page "All content by this "website" is licensed under Creative commons 4.0. e.g or You can upload any image from these types of Websites on Wikipedia.

3. Third, the author or the taker who have taken the image have died and his work his public domain (images that are older than 70 years or more can be uploaded and they fall in this category).

If you upload any other other images that are uplpaded against these rules are deleted from Wikipedia. I can uplaod image of Syed Jawad from internet on Wikipedia but it will be deleted. Also, I don't have any of his picture that I have taken by myself, therefore I cannot upload. If you have any picture that you have taken yourself, you can upload it on Wikipedia. I hope you have understood these rules. If you want to know more you can read Wikipedia:Uploading images article, Thanks. Tubi719 (talk) 20:49, 10 April 2019 (UTC)Reply