The reason why most notable Novel Prize winners belong to that of European ancestry has mainly to do with the language and racism. These prizes are given to scientific discoveries made in Western nations and Western nations make very little effort to neither acknowledge nor give appropriate credits to the inventions made in Asian nations. Because often those so called genius ideas are written in their own linguistic and cultural ideology and Western counterpart make very little effort to neither seek out nor give the rewards. There are plenty of literature and inventions that are rich and noteworthy in Asia and some of those inventions have been copied off or downright stolen by other nations. Until you feel you have a substantial understanding of neither different culture nor their literature, you have absolutely no right to make such a dangerous assumption. If each of Asian countries were to create their own reward system like that of novel prize, very few Europeans would want to try nor compete with it hence most of its awards and attention would be given to those of Asian heritage.

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