User talk:Scepia/Katamari

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Damian Yerrick

(discussion continued from article History)
Here's the thing about changing it from the string of na's to the text "This user <3 Katamari Damacy".
Let's just say that a user saw this userbox before it was edited and chuckled to himself, then decided to use the userbox because he owned the game and enjoyed playing it. Now this is a userbox for Katamari Damacy, not We ♥ Katamari. So really, the userbox is about the user playing Katamari Damacy but contains a reference to We ♥ Katamari? Instead of changing the userbox so that it relates to We ♥ Katamari, you could make another userbox that was actually FOR We ♥ Katamari instead.
Makes idea, yes?
Because if you use this userbox it kind of looks like you have played or owned We ♥ Katamari.. when that in fact might not be true. --Isequals 01:33, 28 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yeah - I definitely see your point. Still, it seems hard to communicate the cadence of the "na"s when they're just written out, even if anyone who's played Katamari Damacy won't have any trouble "getting it". "This user <3 Katamari Damacy" appeals to me because it combines the userbox standard of "This user" with both the "<3" from We <3 Katamari and the title of the original game, "Katamari Damacy". Even something like "This user enjoys sending things to Earth" might be a nicer fit. I guess I'd just prefer anything that was something that only a real fan of the series would get, rather than the title theme, which is a mind-numbingly obvious and thus boring choice for a userbox message. Still, I understand that I'm in the minority on this one, so if I want it changed in the future, I guess I'll just make a new userbox instead of tinkering with this one. H3G3M0N 01:15, 29 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for seeing my point (after I finally decided to make it clear).
Although.. The string of 'na's now bore us.
Go down to Earth and find something that makes us happy. --King of All Cosmos 20:36, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
The string of 'na's coming out of Your Majesty's mouth during the loading screens of WLK bored me too. But I just rolled up a fortune cookie: "This user likes to roll up garbage into a huge ball." Would that work better? --Damian Yerrick () 23:08, 20 June 2006 (UTC)Reply