Ginkgo biloba


EGB 761


Ginkgo biloba extract 761, also known as EGB 761 is extracted from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba plant. The 24% ginkgo-flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones that build a part of the extract play a major role is its effects as neuro preventative and neuroregeneration. [1] A reason for EGB 761's neuroprotective properties comes from its antioxidative traits, helping to prevent oxidative stress and eventual death of neurons. [2]

Anti-platelet activating factor

Aside from the parts previously stated, Ginkgo biloba extracts also contain terpenoids in the for of Ginkgolide A,B,C, and J.  Platelet-activating factor signals the body for injury and begins  the process for the body to begin inflammation, platelet activating factor also works as a nociceptor,sending pain signals to the brain.Ginkgolide B, in particular, has been shown to have anti-platelet activating factor or PAF properties. This inhibition of inflammation in the body's neural cells can provide medicine to help treat migraines to even helping treat neurological damage. [3] [1]
Neurodegenerative treatment

GBE761 has shown evidence to help treat Neurological diseases like Dementia and Parkinson's. The extract has been shown to inhibit microglial secretions that lead to inflammation of the nerve cells as well as the production of Acetylcholinesterase. excessive inflammation of neurons will lead to damage and eventual death of the cell. Also, GBE 761 has been shown to inhibit Acetylcholinesterase production. This is important in treating disease like Dementia and other neurological diseases since a major problem with these diseases is that it causes an overproduction of Acetylcholinesterase, depleting acetylcholine levels in the brain. Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter that enables communication between cells. Without acetylcholine, cells are unable to communicate with each other leading to many complications within their patients.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Gai-ying He, Chong-gang Yuan, Li Hao, Ying Xu, Zhi-xiong Zhang. 2014. GBE50 Attenuates Inflammatory Response by Inhibiting p38 MAPK and NF-kB Pathways in LPS-Stimulated Microglial Cells. Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (eCAM).2014:1-9.
  2. ^ Choi S.J., Kim S.W. ,Lee J.B. ,Lim H.J.,Y.J .Tian C., So H.S., Park R., Choung Y-.H.2013.Ginko biloba Extracts Protect Auditory Hair Cells from Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity by Inhibiting Perturbation of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication.2013. Neuroscience.244:49-61.
  3. ^ Usai S, Grazzi L, Bussone G.2011. Ginkgolide B as a migraine preventive treatment in young age: results at 1-year follow-up. Neurological Sciences.32: 197-199.

Rosmarinus Officinalis




Rosmarinus Officinalis has found interest in both the medical and industrial workforce as its antioxidative properties can not only be used by a medical standpoint, but also in the field of chemistry and construction [1]. Rosemary's antioxidative properties have been shown to be able to survive and remain viable at temperatures of 180 to 240 °C [1]. Research has shown that Rosmarinus Officinalis has evidence to help with memory and overall mental processing of neurons that have been strained under oxidative stress by either age or some sort of neurodegenerative disease [2].



Extracts from Rosmarinus Officinalis, with Carnosol and carnosic acids being the main pieces of the extract, have been shown to reduce the anti-inflammatory response within human cells on slides. [3] Other in vitro studies have shown that the Rosemary extract can inhibit various proinflammatory cytokines of up to an 80% inhibition rate and up to a 60 % inhibition for Interleukin-1b secretions. [3]. Other studies have been made using uninoculated blood cells from a chicken heart and injecting the blood cells into mice that have been treated with rosemary. [4] By comparing the severity of the response from the chicken blood, it was concluded that rosemary extract, as a whole, does help inhibit an inflammatory response. [4]



while Rosmarinus Officinalis does not directly affect metabolic rate, it does show evidence that its extracts can help improve lipid profiling, diabetes treatment and overall health within the body by inhibiting the reuptake of glucose. [5] Another shows that the extracts inhibited by the secretions are AGc and α-amylase Causing the reuptake of glucose going back into our bodies. [6] [6] These inhibitions slow down the reuptake of glucose levels within the body, providing an excellent treatment option for those with type 11 diabetes where the body becomes resistant to the it s own insulin.


  1. ^ a b Doudin K, Al-Malaika S, Sheena H.H, Tverezovskiy V, Fowler P. 2016. New genre of antioxidants from renewable natural resources: Synthesis and characterization of rosemary plant-derived antioxidants and their performance in polyolefins. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 130: 126-134.
  2. ^ Rasoolijazi H, Mehdizadeh M, Soleimani M, Nikbakhte F, Farsani M, Abadzadeh S.2015.The effect of rosemary extract on spatial memory, learning and antioxidant enzymes activities in the hippocampus of middle-aged rats. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI). 29(187): 1-12.
  3. ^ a b Arranz E, Jaime L, Garcıa-Risco M, Fornari T, Reglero G, Santoyo S.2014. Anti-inflammatory activity of rosemary extracts obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide enriched in carnosic acid and carnosol. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 50:674–681.
  4. ^ a b Zhou J, Huang R, Huang J, Feng J. 2015. Anti-inflammation Activities of Essential Oil and Antimicrobial Activities Of Ethanol Extraction from China’s Rosemary. Agricultural Science & Technology. 16(5): 1034-1037.
  5. ^ Voshol P, Haemmerle G, Ouwens M, Zimmermann R, Zechner R, Teusink B, Maassen A, Havekes L, Romijn J.2003. Increased Hepatic Insulin Sensitivity Together with Decreased Hepatic Triglyceride Stores in Hormone Sensitive Lipase-Deficient Mice. Endocrinology. 144(8):3456–3462.
  6. ^ a b Cazzola R, Camerotto C, Cestaro B. 2011. Anti-oxidant, anti-glycant, and inhibitory activity against alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase of selected spices and culinary herbs. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 62:175–184.