
this article is about discussion of the user.



all that typing i did on the timeline of the Columbine High School massacre. all that knowledge i put into that, and its gone due to this site. i did EXACTLY what i was supposed to do, and look what happens, they dont read my explaination, and delete it. they lied on a copyright issue that was completely false, didnt even READ the explaination that the site TOLD me to do, with no response what-so-ever, and deleted it probably not even 3 hours after i published the article. they just didnt want me to publish it, thats all. FINE! if you dont want me to contribute to this inaccurate site, fine with you. ban me if you will, because you just lost a lot of respect from me. i put as much effort as possible into that article, and it gets deleted for THE WRONG REASONS! now i know why many people i know hate this site: because they are rude. you do exactly what they tell you to do, and they dont even abide by it. they delete your articles without listening to others. i explained it very well, and the article gets deleted anyway, without a response. i didnt even know it was gone! i had to find out myself. the so called reason for its deletion is pure dumbness. the place they claim i got the info from is a downloadable file, which i dont even have! im sorry, but Wikipedia is nothing but a train wreck. if they personally dont like an article, they delete it. you dont get to hear from the article creator's side, nor anyone elses side. you're lucky i didnt even curse, because darn right well im burnt up about this enough to do so. im not going to edit any of your inaccurate info, or anything for that matter until my respect for them returns. Wikipedia's just ruined things for me, and i dont feel appreciated on this site anymore. if other sad events like Columbine get timelines, then this should too. too bad Wikipedia has to be a pain though. i dont even want to hear a response from this site's staff, because i know now that they wouldnt care if i defend myself. just pitiful. Youtube is a lot better site than this, and they arent even LIKE this site!



Hey! Stormy, I never knew u used Wikipedia! thats good! It is a shame that they deleted all the episode articles and character articles on Wikipedia :( Do you contribute much? i dont but anyways, what are they focusing on Wikiproject Spongebob SquarePants? --AJC (talk) 08:34, 3 February 2008 (UTC)Reply