User talk:Strangnet/Archive 1

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Strangnet in topic Matrix17
Archive 1

Can you help translate this for me to swedish? Many thanks in advance!

The first railroad line in Albania was built in 1948 linking Tiranë with Durrës on the coast and Elbasan in the interior. The main ports are Durrës, Vlorë, Shëngjin, and Sarandë.

Albania has a somewhat limited telephone network. There is a fairly extensive broadcasting service, however, and television programming began in 1971. Newspaper circulation is quite limited. There is a state university at Tiranë.

--Armour 09:58, 23 November 2005 (UTC)

Don't think so Albanau. Why don't you just give it up...or take some SFI classes. -- Patrick 23:10, 14 December 2005 (UTC)

Re: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Regarding information on EA's termination of two support services in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, I have no source on both passages as I am not the original poster of the passages and have only conducted needed cleanup and moving of the passages. Feel free to remove it if there are no objections; I see you also made mention of it in the Most Wanted's article talk page. ╫ 25 ◀RingADing▶ 17:37, 28 March 2006 (UTC)

Well, the PC support part first got in after your edit here, that's why I wondered. --Strangnet 19:28, 28 March 2006 (UTC)

think before you write

Your kind, prata för dej själv.Tycker inte direkt du är helt professionel jämt heller, kanske du borde kolla igenom ibland också hur du tilltalar människor, och låt inte din personliga åsikt om andra bestämma hur du ska reagera på olika artiklar.Du har faktiskt en viss tendens att gå till personlig attack. och prata bakom ryggen på folk. Men får säga att till stor dej sköter du ditt jobb bra. Menar bara att du kan inte alltid skylla alla problem andra och klaga på andras dåliga egenskaper. jämt.Du behvöer ju integöra just mina artiklar bättre,utna låta andra göra de.Fick tidigare idag be andra kolla igen Robert Bierenbaum artiklen som Isotope hade lagt för deletion om ett par dagar. O denna personen tyckte att det var helt självklart att den artiklen passade på Wiki. Så ibland menar jag bara att vissa här låter sin personliga åsikt styra framför det faktiska värdet av en artikel som tillexempel den nämnda. MVH --Matrix17 16:58, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

I think you shouldnt think before you write stuff like you did on the grynet discussion. that is my toughts and if you cant handle it ,sorry for you. /matrix17

I'm sorry but I don't follow the line of thought here. Should or shouldn't? If it's difficult to express what you feel in English, you are welcome to do so in Swedish (which I guess is your native tongue, as mine). One rule to have in mind is generally to be careful with blaming others for what they've thought or meant, because it's impossible for anyone other than the subject itself to be fully sure of what has been the trail of thought.
You also have to understand that I've seen your kind of debating for over ten years now. My tip is that you try to be more civil and stop acting as a victim here - if you focused on quality in the first place and perhaps thought once or twice if a subject is fit to be in Wikipedia, almost all is won. After all, Wikipedia is quality and not quantity - not everything has its place in the encyclopedia per default. --Strangnet 01:02, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
I've also noted how you had apparent difficulties accepting how things were done in the Swedish Wikipedia, where you even managed to get blocked a few times. Please take some time and evaluate if it's you or the rest of the Wikipedia community that is at fault. --Strangnet 14:52, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
Technically, there is nothing that says you cannot blank your talk page; if he wants to blank it he is welcome to, though it is usually not seen too favorably by the community.--Isotope23 21:39, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
What troubles me more is the pretty constant incivility and personal attacks this editor engages in. Personally I'm not overly concerned what he says to/about me, but it has to stop in regards to other editors.--Isotope23 21:48, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

matrix17 has done it AGAIN!

matrix17 has partially blanked a talk page again. Dalejenkins 18:53, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

Yes, I noticed that. I don't know if I should or shouldn't restore it, though. I've looked through some of the documentation and information pages on WP, and it doesn't state explicitly that it's forbidden. Just that archiving is preferred. He's just a poor old 17 year old, I guess, who'll soon enough get banned from here as well (he's already managed it on the swedish WP). --Strangnet 23:53, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

en del hävdar sig igenom nätet

Skrev först ett långt meddelande till dej. men sen tänkte jag att jag ska inte ge dej mer eld på din brasa så du kan fortsätta hålla på med dina kaxiga inlägg hit och dit. men fortsätt du gärna, kör hårt;)! matrix17 —Preceding unsigned comment added by Matrix17 (talkcontribs)

Men, vad är problemet? Folk försöker bara hjälpa dig genom tips och länkar till hur man redigerar, och får i gengäld aggressiva kommentarer. Du behöver tagga ner ett par snäpp och försöka ta till dig av kritiken. Du härjar på engelska Wikipedia precis som du gjorde på svenska dito, vilket fick dig att bli blockerad där.
Någonstans måste det väl ha gått upp för dig att det är du som behöver anpassa din stil och inte vice versa. Någongång övergår förståelsen för att någon är ung och oerfaren till ren irritation - något som du lyckats passera för en tid sedan. Trots uppmaningar om att vara ödmjuk så fortsätter du med kommentarer som ovan och att fortsätta tömma diskussionssidor för att radera obekväma kommentarer trots uppmaninga om motsatsen. Om du inte är helt mogen att delta i diskussioner för att uppnå koncensus kanske inte Wikipedia är något för dig, dessvärre. --Strangnet 15:56, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Sen skriver du i en numera borttagen kommentar hos Azores att man ska bemöta dig på din diskussionssida - samma sida som upprepade gånger töms på dessa bemötanden. Det gör det svårt att bedriva en vettig diskussion öht. Ingen vill ju annat än hjälpa dig att bidra konstruktivt till Wikipedias artikelrymd. Jag hoppas att de senaste dagarna fått dig att undersöka hur artiklar skrivs och vidimeras. Du har ju uppenbarligen ett brinnande intresse och kunskaper om vad du skriver, dessvärre är utförandet inte alltid vad som önskas och därför har ju många av dessa diskussioner uppkommit. --Strangnet 16:37, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

ok så hur arkiverar jag mina diskussioner då? mvh/ matrix17

Vanligaste sättet är att du skapar en ny undersida till din diskussionssida, exempelvis User talk:Matrix17/Archive 1 och sparar undan all text från diskussionen på denna nyskapade sida. Sen länkar du från toppen av din diskussionssida till arkivsidan. Det finns en mer utförlig förklaring här: Wikipedia:How to archive a talk page. --Strangnet 12:48, 12 February 2007 (UTC)


Thank you for reverting my user page :-) Myanw 07:45, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

No problem. I had him visit me, too, so I thought why not revert all the vandalism he was behind. --Strangnet 09:11, 15 February 2007 (UTC)


Thank you for reverting my user page :-) Greater Userbox Mage 15:34, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

Anja Pärson's weight

Agree, the best thing is not to list her weight. I have read the Sedish newspaper lists her at 81 kg, but I do not believe this is her real weight. That's a man's weight (just look at Johan Brolenius, he's apparently the same weight) and if you look at her pictures, she does not look to be anywhere around 80 kg. Therefore, I agree that this would be the best to remover her weight.

Norum 16 Feb 2007

Good, then I'll remove it. I do, however, think she weighs around 75-80 kg - her thighs are massive and all muscle. She sat in the sofa in the Swedish tv-studio in Åre, and her legs where two to three times bigger than the journalist's, who hosted the show. --Strangnet 20:52, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

i didnt delete

i didnt delete it i put it in my archive... and it wasnt anything to resolve.but i see your point/matrix17

not totally true

No actually the story with carolinas breastimplants where true. it actually was a news and was broadcasted live. but anyway. --Matrix17 20:52, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

Yes, but that is covered in the artcle about Carolina Gynning. --Strangnet 20:56, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

Dina kommentarer innehåller bara kritik, om man inte följer dina direktiv.

LÄS VAD DU SKREV:Folk försöker bara hjälpa dig genom tips och länkar till hur man redigerar, och får i gengäld aggressiva kommentarer. Du behöver tagga ner ett par snäpp och försöka ta till dig av kritiken. Du härjar på engelska Wikipedia precis som du gjorde på svenska dito, vilket fick dig att bli blockerad där. Någonstans måste det väl ha gått upp för dig att det är du som behöver anpassa din stil och inte vice versa. Någongång övergår förståelsen för att någon är ung och oerfaren till ren irritation - något som du lyckats passera för en tid sedan. Trots uppmaningar om att vara ödmjuk så fortsätter du med kommentarer som ovan och att fortsätta tömma diskussionssidor för att radera obekväma kommentarer trots uppmaninga om motsatsen. Om du inte är helt mogen att delta i diskussioner för att uppnå koncensus kanske inte Wikipedia är något för dig, dessvärre. --Strangnet 15:56, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

SVAR: Det är detta jag menar du bara klagar och klagar på andra inte bara mej. Men du själv ser ju inte att dina inlägg och kommentarer alltid handlar om hur andra gör fel och orätt. O så var det sen första dagen jag var här. Din text här över visar verkligen på ditt "sätt att kommunicera" när människor inte gör som DU vill!.. Och du, ärligt detta är en internet sida. så kan du iallafall hålla dina elaka kommentarer till de tsom händer på wikipedia och inte hur jag är som person i vanliga livet. För barnslig och omogen är nog inte ett ord som beskriver MEJ i detta läget. du kanske skulle kolla igenom vad du skriver innan du lägger ut det.He's just a poor old 17 year old= den värsta av dina kommentarer!--Matrix17 20:21, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

Personligen ids jag inte bemöta befängdheter som dessa. Hurufvida Du eller Jag hafver bidragit på okunstruktiva manér får utomstående afvgöra och min tid äro för värdefull för att ödslas på kommentar som de du bidrog med ovan. Hav en god fortsättning. --Strangnet 21:19, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

Befängd omogen osv osv... personliga attacker är er grej!det är jag som itne ids bry mej om dessa meningslösa uppvisningar av makt ifrån eran sida.--Matrix17 10:09, 26 February 2007 (UTC)

Jag haver icke någon ytterligare tid att ödsla på detta, som jag mycket tydligt och kärnfullt deklarerade ovan. Fortsätt Ni gärna med att addera länkar till tvifvelaktiga Aftonbladet och Expressen om Ni finner att en engelskspråkig publik finner upplysning i detta, ehuru det är högst tveksamt innehåll i de blaskorna och man mer ofta än motsatsen bör betvifvla dess innehåll och motivering till påhitt av händelser. Fortsätt gärna med att ignorera hur man formatterar artiklar, rubriker, referenser samt hur man kommunicerar med sina medwikipedianer. Om det inte finns mer att tillägga så är Ni välkommen att återuppta kontakten efter myndighetsålderns inbrott. Adieu, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night. --Strangnet 17:52, 26 February 2007 (UTC)

aha.. yes, sorrryy.--Matrix17 11:33, 2 March 2007 (UTC)


yes i now. im sorry.--Matrix17 21:18, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

Reginald Stephey

I have removed your WP:CSD tag from this article since "Is wikipedia a register af all criminal offenders?" is clearly not one of the criteria for speedy deletion. This article doesn't appear to fit any of the criteria, so you may want to take it to AfD if you still believe it should be deleted. Gwernol 14:52, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

if you learn i learn

Yes if you learn what is correct for "speedy deletion" which you obviously isnt so good at i will use the show preview.--Matrix17 10:35, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

Wow, you just can't let things go, can you? Grow up. No wonder you were kicked out of the Swedish wikipedia. --Strangnet 10:39, 16 March 2007 (UTC)
Its not me with a attitude problem. I didnt write anything rude to you jus tpointing out that you can learn also. but i guess personal attacks are something YOU also like,dont take everything so personal--Matrix17 11:40, 16 March 2007 (UTC)
Well, after several of us have spent many weeks pointing you to how Wikipedia works (both the Swedish and this), and how articles are written, that you haven't taken any notice of, it's quite funny to be "lectured". And yet again I found myself in an editing conflict just because you couldn't take the time to use the preview button...
And as a note to the Reginald article: had you bothered reading one of the sources you added, you would have known he isn't a murderer as you falsely categorized him as. That is one of many reasons why I think we should be very careful to add articles about convicted felons, because it is very easy information don't come out right and that could have some serious consequences for the person that is the subject of an article. --Strangnet 11:50, 16 March 2007 (UTC)
Well if you kill someone no matter how..arent you a murderer then? anyway i cna see your point. BUT you are not a perfect person either, and as you can see you are doing thing snot right sometimes also so dont start to do personal attacks just because someone points out that you arent perfect that all im saying,and you usually are very good at pointing out when other people do attacks (in your opinion) so dont be like that if you dont like it yourself.--Matrix17 12:00, 16 March 2007 (UTC)
Well, if you are convicted of manslaughter, then you're by definition not a murderer.
I don't see any personal attacks here. What I see, though, is something one might consider an ultimatum, which is at least as bad if I actually cared. --Strangnet 13:48, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

yeah yeah same story as always from you. never that YOU could be wrong,haha. Good that you realy show how you are "i dont care" whats that for a comment? well then i dont care about your comments.haha--Matrix17 14:48, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

i think you should realy try to look at what you write to people. when is it ok with personal attacks? and to say that you dont care is just strange.i am atleast admitting to not being perfect. haha--Matrix17 14:50, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

Never any answers, how surprising. As you see on your talk page, I'm not the only one who would like to see that you at least tried to read the Manual of Style. As for the discussion of personal attacks, I haven't attacked anyone. I am only pounding my head against the wall to try to get you to realize that if you made contributions that didn't need that much cleanup, it would be so much better for all of us. --Strangnet 14:54, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

I can see your point. But i think that YOU dont have to see me as you life mission.. i mean their ar eplenty of other editors and can help to. If you get so upset i mean. You really dont show any respect and just makes people annoyed with your constant remarks and i knwot hat you will answer back with if i just read the manual you should have to give remarks all the time. but in the end it is not only up to you, mean just read this::Never any answers, how surprising,at I see, though, is something one might consider an ultimatum, which is at least as bad if I actually cared,Wow, you just can't let things go, can you? Grow up. No wonder you were kicked out of the Swedish wikipedia : this is just the strange remark you have done in this individual discussion.. i mean you arent exactly nice.i mean no matter what its always you who starts insulting me and then i answer back,never the other way around ...........--Matrix17 15:00, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

Your Calling my work vandelism

Thank you for reverting my entry However I prefer you don't call my work vandelism. I wouldn't for the life of me change a word of my bible. KGV Green Cover P:rinted 1976 in Korea but a page says it was printed somewhere else but I feel it was a test —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Nexus Goof (talkcontribs) 00:25, 19 March 2007 (UTC).

I reverted the additions both because the url:s are inaccessible for me and because it replaced the cia factbook link in the Tanzania article, which lit a few red lights over my computer screen. Mediaopedia doesn't seem to spark that much interest from Google's search engine either - is it your own web site? --Strangnet 00:32, 19 March 2007 (UTC)


Thanks for the revert on my talkpage.--Isotope23 13:31, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

Jade Goody


As much as you might hate vandalism, if you have ever seen or heard Jade Goody then you will understand why her page gets continually vandalised and moreover the vandalism is thoroughly warranted as it reflects the utter hatred for this putrid woman amongst the general public. So it totally bewilders me why anyone in their right mind would want to protect this woman’s page, she deserves everything that comes to her.

If you dont know who Jade Goody is i suggest you read her article on wikipedia, in short she is arguably the most hated woman in the UK at the moment. I suggest you think twice before defending her page in the future.


A. Vandal --—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 9:18, March 21, 2007 (UTC)

Vandlizing articles is never ok. No matter subject or person. You're mistaking my "defending" the article with condoning her actions. Wikipedia is based on NPOV and nothing else. I suggest you do something constructive with your time instead of vandalizing text that is about two mouse clicks away from being reverted by me and other grown ups. --Strangnet 13:23, 21 March 2007 (UTC)


yes thanks to you to. I will certainly readeverything from now on.;)--Matrix17 18:41, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

Hi again. ok thats strange i will look into it.--Matrix17 20:13, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

Thank you

Thanks for looking out for my UserPage and reverting the vandalism. It's much appreciated! --DanielEng 01:47, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

your latest edit summary

I've come to the conclusion that it is pretty much like talking to a brick wall. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's pretty obvious at this point that asking nicely or reminding is basically useless.--Isotope23 13:01, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

I have a dream. That one day... ;) --Strangnet 14:26, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Answer from Matrix17

I have answered the discussion. YOu should know better. thanks.--Matrix17 15:17, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

I think you need to cool down and step back a while or you'll probably meet the same faith as you did on the Swedish Wikipedia with your user name and sock puppets. --Strangnet 15:20, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
Maybe you should think the same way sometimes, cool down i mean*.--Matrix17 15:32, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
You mean stop from keeping Wikipedia clean and useful? Sounds like a rather bad idea to me. --Strangnet 15:34, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
Someone is overrating hes importance on this site . anyway .bye..--Matrix17 15:38, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
Please refrain from derogatory remarks in your edit summaries. They are not appreciated. And please stop with the flamebaits. --Strangnet 15:41, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

you have done it to me to, then it was no problem. but i guess when its you who do it its ok. anyway have no more interest in discussing this trivial and strange matter about if my opinion is this or that. how do you know.--Matrix17 15:44, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

OK. relax.Now you see how it feels when you write those type of messages to others.--Matrix17 14:13, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

But your comment was uncalled for since I hadn't written any of the text. I don't see any correlation of the two. --Strangnet 14:17, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

Ok i dont want to fight, i guess we can agree on that.--Matrix17 15:06, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

Yes. That's correct. And your editing is starting to shape up, as well. Keep it up. Every small step makes a difference. --Strangnet 15:08, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

Past life healing

I have removed the {{prod}} tag from Past life healing, which you proposed for deletion, because its deletion has previously been contested or viewed as controversial. Proposed deletion is not for controversial deletions. For this reason, it is best not to propose deletion of articles that have previously been de-{{prod}}ed, even by the article creator, or which have previously been listed on Wikipedia:Articles for deletion. If you still feel the article should be deleted, please don't add the {{prod}} template back to the article, but feel free to list it at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion. Thanks! Tikiwont 15:34, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

I simply re-introduced the tags. User:JuJube added them initially.[1] --Strangnet 15:37, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Will you pl. help to straighten the problem you stated?

If this is not your talk page pl. forgive. I understand that this is the talk page. This was the message I received from you.

Welcome to Wikipedia. It might not have been your intention, but your recent contribution removed maintenance notices from Meditation methods, even though required changes haven't been made. If you are uncertain whether the page requires further work, or if you disagree with the notice, please discuss these issues on the page's talk page before removing the notice from the page. These notices and comments are needed to establish community consensus about the status of a page. Thank you. Strangnet 14:49, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

This was your message and I really do not understand how the maintainance notices were removed. It said, you can delete it after editing the page contents. I have made the necessary changes in the page. If any more changes are needed, pl. let me know. Rekhaa Kale 17:34, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

You removed the {{dated prod}} template from the article.[2] The changes you've done are probably not enough to not make it look like a howto guide to meditation. --Strangnet 17:40, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Did you read any of that benchmark article that was spammed on the filesystem pages?

"As you can see, REISER4 is a truly remarkable filesystem. This is the real reason that REISER4 has not been included in the Linux kernel. This is the real reason that Hans Reiser languishes in an Oakland prison cell at this time."

Unbelievable. AlistairMcMillan 02:00, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

I actually just glanced through the page to see if it was an obvious copyvio, so I missed both the popup and google ad (have that turned off). I've seen my share of reliable links added from anonymous IP:s that scream vandalism when you try to reason with them. :) And the nerve to call in his friend as reinforcement. But then again - REISER4 is truly amazing. It has to be, 'cause some site on teh interweb said so :) --Strangnet 02:05, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

The Beginning (Melody Thornton album)

It does — that's why the article has an {{unreferenced}} template. That's not an excuse for adding yet more unsourced material to it, though. --Mel Etitis (Talk) 13:15, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

I agree with that, and that's why I thought it was good to point it out by fact-tagging the two statements, although I also agree that it might be a bit redundant. Maybe if the general unsourced tag was put at the top of the page instead, to really point it out and make the reader aware of that some of the content might not be as accurate as other? --Strangnet 14:05, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

There's disagrement for some reason about where to put the "unreferenced" tag — either at the bottom of the article in a "sources" section, or on the Talk page; I thought that the former was better.

To be honest, given the subject, it's not a huge problem if people do give it more credence than they should, but I think that the current template should be enough. If no sources are forthcoming, in a week or two the material should be removed, I think. --Mel Etitis (Talk) 14:30, 25 March 2007 (UTC)


Ye si now. i was so in the making that i forgot... sorry--Matrix17 17:31, 27 March 2007 (UTC)

Yes and as usuall you do your best to provoke. Maybe you should try to read the pages. and the discussions and then make your opinion.You just dont have an open mind. If someone nominated an article for deletion just because YOU had done it you would be so happy either.And that i actually provide articles for this wiki just slips you by constantly.always just picking on the bad things. And that the nominator havent done the nomination properly you dont complain about either. strange, or not! I stand be KEEP the article. What i am trying to point out is that if i hadnt made any change sin the article todya it would have been nominated by the person.But i do appreciate you and your work but i honestly think you are judging people from earlier xperiences when you act--Matrix17 15:42, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

In what way did he not nominate it properly? I've read the pages, discussions and whatnot and haven't made my mind up on Friends yet. I'm ambivalent.
You're contributing to wikipedia, yes, but I think you're focusing way too much on quantity instead of quality and also on things that are considered as gossip and/or sensationalism. If you read something else than just Aftonbladet (which is a notoriously bad source for news) you'd notice that the world is quite different than what they portray it as. For real news in a Swedish perspective, might I suggest DN or SvD, and for international coverage BBC News and New York Times. Google News is a good start as well - and don't forget to have a critical mind when valuing sources and news stories. --Strangnet 15:52, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

And you do as you usually do. Blame everyone else ,except yourself.Cant have constructive discussions with you.--Matrix17 12:41, 31 March 2007 (UTC)


The logo on Luxology's page is that of Profero Ltd. So i removed it. I'm a bit new to this wikipedia content creation. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Jenniferwilkins (talkcontribs)

No, what I meant was that you changed the image entirely. You might want to consider uploading you toy character modo's image to a file name that isn't already used. --Strangnet 10:52, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

Since you speak Swedish... might be able to help with this. The Melodifestivalen article says (but doesn't source) that the group "Friends" were the first Reality-TV winners to win that event. I'm trying to source that for the AfD on the band's article - in fact, I've got a feeling given the time that they performed that they could possibly have been the first Reality-TV winners in the ESC overall - but everything I can find is in Swedish. If you've got a spare moment, would you be able to have a look for anything useful? This site looks at least superficially promising, particularly from the "MF: Facts" section and the "Samtlige vinnare" bit which then links to the relevant MF, but only the front page is in English. Confoundingly, I can't give you a URL for the exact page I mean, either. BigHaz - Schreit mich an 11:51, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

They were the first reality-tv act that won the contest, but I've looked through Swedish media coverage from the time and there are no explicit mention of that fact. The only source that can be relied upon is the all-time winners table. The has no mention of the fact either, only the controversy with the plagiarism of Friend's song and that they came second in 2000. --Strangnet 12:07, 31 March 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for checking that. Strange that there isn't any big press coverage, but I guess after all it just shows that reality-TV bands weren't expected to last quite as long as they have done. BigHaz - Schreit mich an 02:19, 1 April 2007 (UTC)

Jessica Lindgren

Did you mention her modeling in the nomination? No--Matrix17 12:30, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Well, that's the part where the ones who vote use their time and base their vote on actually reading the article, where her modeling is pretty obvious. You fail to comment on the fact that there was nothing stating her pregnancy, so it's impossible for me to have removed it. --Strangnet 12:34, 31 March 2007 (UTC)
You only and always only bring up the bad things and less good things in everything this make it impossible for me and other in my situation to be able tohave constructive discussions with you.Dont mind answer back.--Matrix17 12:43, 31 March 2007 (UTC)
Yes, it's me who is incapable of having constructive discussions, I confess. --Strangnet 12:49, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Hi. yes i forgot...sorry-- 19:34, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

If you take part in the same discussions as your real alias, it could be interpreted as if you have alternative motives. So far it's been ok, but do take the time to check if you're logged in when you're editing to make sure your edits can't be second-guessed. --Strangnet 19:47, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Yes. And i want to apologised if i was a little bit hard yesterday. People cant agree on everything i guess.--Matrix17 14:18, 1 April 2007 (UTC)


Well you are doing the same thing when you talk about me with other people, not delibaretly but you do it .--Matrix17 17:33, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

Where have I contacted other editors to ask them to vote a certain way? I look forward to see that diff. I suggest you take a more thorough look at the link I provided. --Strangnet 17:37, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

You are so afraid that people might not do as YOU want.You do alot of goof on wiki but you also are doing some things wrong.Lets face it i think she can make her own mind up if she votes keep its because she wanta to or the opposit.what i tell her isnt final.--Matrix17 17:38, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

Ok, then please serve me up with the "goofs" you refer to. What am I doing wrong. Without the diff:s you can't expect me to improve, can you? And adding comments to other editors' talk pages that encourages them to vote in a particular way is as close to bad mojo as you can get, which you will realise from reading WP:CANVAS. --Strangnet 17:43, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

Catrine da Costa

Good work on Catrine article by the way.--Matrix17 15:56, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

Thanks. Yeah, I felt it deserved a better explanation, since the claim for damages that were filed today is a rather small part of the huge legal battle. --Strangnet 15:59, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

Yeah i totally see your point. Good work!--Matrix17 11:19, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

Revert my edit

I see you reverted my edit on User:Yoocan. This user is a vandalist and I only removed his text so that he wouldn't show up on Categories:Users. For example, I was looking for users from specific coutries, and he showed up on many of them. Please remove his user boxes or delete his user page all togeather. --Steinninn 13:21, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

I think you should contact an admin to ask if they can clear/delete that user page. Since the one who banned him didn't do it I took for granted that it wasn't customary and that's why I reverted your edit. But I could of course be wrong and that it's been overlooked by someone. --Strangnet 14:20, 4 April 2007 (UTC)
Just for clarification, this editor was "indefinitely blocked", not banned. That said, generally speaking we don't wipe out a userpage when we block an editor. If there is a problem with the userpage and the content, I'd suggest filing a request for a WP:MFD on the page to have the content deleted.--Isotope23 14:31, 4 April 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for the reply guyes. Since he's not banned, I think it would be a little mean to delete his userpage. At lease I'm not going to start it. --Steinninn 21:15, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

Top Gear Cool Wall

hi may I know what is the reason the Categories been edit again & again? It might no longer have the source however the list is taken from November 2006. It was a direct copy from the Top Gear website. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Have a look at the talk page and you'll see why it's removed at the moment. --Strangnet 21:57, 5 April 2007 (UTC)


Its clear that Matrix17 has edited from that IP in the past, but the IP belongs to an ISP, so could well be a dynamic IP address. In other words it could easily be a completely different person using that IP. Unless the IP returns to the abusive behavior that Matrix17 showed, I can't go ahead an block it. If you do see such behavior, let me know and I will take appropriate action. Thanks, Gwernol 16:57, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

The contributions are exactly like Matrix17's - same null byte edits[3], and link descriptions[4] as well as adding lines that were deleted previously[5] should make it clear that it's Matrix17 who's back again. Looking back at the history it's evident that Matrix17 is alone using that IP, which is the case at swe-Wp as well. --Strangnet (t, c) 17:06, 10 April 2007 (UTC)