Gender-based price discrimination



Thank you for your words of encouragement on the gender-based price discrimination page. I absolutely intend to summarize my work on the parent page: price discrimination. In the meantime your feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Also thanks for the work that you've put into it so far. I am looking forward to adding new content.

FPizzo (talk) 12:40, 13 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

I was wondering what your thoughts were about moving all of gender-based price discrimination information on the price discrimination page to the sub-page. I wanted to add the California and New York legislation to gender-based price discrimination but I also did not want to be duplicative. The writing about the legislation seems to be well written and exhaustive. Not sure about the copy and pasting rules but I would like to just move it word for word to the subpage. I think as of now on the price discrimination it might just bog down the reader since it is a pretty long sub-section.

I will probably go ahead and move it but feel free to move it back or let me know and I will move it back for you if you do not approve.

Thank you!

FPizzo (talk) 15:28, 21 May 2016 (UTC)Reply