I can do this all day. Kafziel Complaint Department 07:12, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Official Response from the Desk of SwineSister


Unfortunately, I can't. But some other time, yeah?

The Tigidius Perennis one was actually OK! Very pernickety. Extremely pernickety. Pernickty x 1000.

Yeah, that one actually was okay. I guess I'm just a bastard that way. Kafziel Complaint Department 07:19, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Unofficial Response from Under the Desk of SwineSister


I wonder if there's some Wikipedia "Bastards" category to which it wouldn't be unreasonable for me to link here. I'm presuming not, but, well, at least it's relatively proactive Wikipedianism. That in contrast to the rest of the site's majesty; I suppose Mike Batt wasn't actually married to Ainsley Harriott after all, to the disappointment of his legion of fans in the Afro-Caribbean quasi-homosexual TV chef community.