Kashmir India (Aggression Bitterness in Every Kashmiri)


I want to introduce you by the fact that people have painful aggression in them against the Indian system; be it a man of 80 year old or a six-year-old child. This aggression and bitterness is to an extent of rejection of not even willing to talk to anybody who represents it. Their pain and aggression had taken such turn of extremism that they now stand with stones in hands and are ready to face such huge system; not bothering about the outcome. I believe this situation would lead us to the disastrous “massacre” situation. A Kashmiri who do not holds a stone in hand, keeps the stone in his heart. This revolution has taken a shape of mass-movement same as the movement of 1942 or JP Movement in which the contribution of public was more than the leaders. The people who voted in the election of 2014, today none of them is ready to utter a single word of sympathy in favour of the same government. Tahir Maqsood Wani (talk) 16:46, 30 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

Labelling Kashmir Issue With Pakistan


Honourable Prime Minister some people have made you believe that each person in Kashmir is a Pakistani, but honestly there is not a single man praising Pakistan. On every tree, on every mobile tower, Pakistani flag swirls in Kashmir. I inquired about it and people responded by saying that, “India hates Pakistan. So in order to tease you we swirl Pakistani flags.” Surprisingly, I didn’t find a single person saying that he wants to go to Pakistan as they are aware of the bad condition of Pakistan. I say it without any hesitation no one has inspired Kashmiri to throw stones. I have a question for you Honourable PM. Can Pakistan, which is financially a weak country, give 500 rupees to each stone-pelting boy every day? And do you really want us to believe that Indian system is so helpless or hopeless that it could not catch a single man who distributes these 500-500 rupees to the young boys of Kashmir? Is Pakistan that strong a country that it can encourage people of Kashmir to raise their voice and fight against India? This is sheer joke. Labelling Kashmir movement with Pakistan is a sheer made-up story and is not true at all. Every Kashmiri want support from world, they want to live and want to have all opportunities and employment and a normal life with dignity. Kashmiris want to be treated same as people of Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Maharashtra, Delhi, Punjab and all other states of the country. Labelling Kashmir movement with Pakistan is a sheer made-up story and is not true at all. Every Kashmiri want support from world, they want to live and want to have all opportunities and employment and a normal life with dignity. Kashmiris want to be treated same as people of Bihar, Bengal, Assam, Maharashtra, Delhi, Punjab and all other states of the country. Tahir Maqsood Wani (talk) 16:48, 30 October 2017 (UTC)Reply