My questions about Citânia de Briteiros have been moved to that article's talk page (and my talk archive).

User talk:TarichaRivularis/Archive 1

your concerns about MRO


I saw your comments in the name thread about MRO. Have you contacted the copyright violations people at [email protected]? My apologies if you've already done this but I feel like this is a situation where working through the normal admin channels maybe won't be as fruitful as going straight to legal about this. Jessamyn (talk) 03:25, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thank you very much for your interest and suggestions. No, I haven't used the copyright violations channel yet; somehow this seems (to me) like a username problem first and a copyright problem second, but I don't mind going the other direction if you think it's more likely to be fruitful. I hadn't seen the email address you suggest previously, but I did see [email protected]. Do you have an opinion which is a better address to start with? There are hundreds of uploads with a false claim of "own work", and it looks like a time-consuming mess to activate violation claims for all of them; I'm hoping that after we demonstrate violation on a batch or two of them, the admins will get the picture and take bulk action on both the copyright problem and the impersonation. TarichaRivularis (talk) 03:43, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

I haven't dug into the activities of the fake MRO but I think if you email both addresses and outline your general claims "This user has uploaded 100s of items that they claim is their own work but I represent the real MRO who has stated this is not the case, please take these images down and take steps to prevent this user from continuing this behavior" The vibe I get is that if you're having a legal concern as opposed to a "this violates policy" concern, you are likely to get someone a bit more interested, especially as the issue is ongoing and you have tried to work through channels and gotten nowhere. Jessamyn (talk) 17:14, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Excellent suggestion, thank you. The real MRO is a retired attorney, so she will probably concur with your suggestion; I was just trying to be gentle. :) Anyway you make a good point. We'll be assembling the evidence later today and hope to send a clear email by tonight or tomorrow. I think we'll start with the email address you proposed; I checked who's monitoring that and it seems they have the right skills for this situation, but we'll post also to the other email I found if there's no response in a week or so. I'm optimistic this will work out in a reasonable time. Thank you again for your help. TarichaRivularis (talk) 17:40, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
You're welcome. Might be worth cc'ing Ryan if you can get his email address. Jessamyn (talk) 17:55, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply