Welcome and User Name


Hello, welcome to Wikipedia ... thanks for the Jetsunma contributions. I am slightly interested in your user name. Please consider this WP:IU, you might consider a better explanation on your user page to avoid a Misleading usernames issue with Tenzin Gyatso. There is currently a very serious legal issue involving deceptive practices in the American dharma community, I would not want to see this carry over to Wikipedia. Kindly Zulu Papa 5 ☆ (talk) 06:30, 28 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Tenzin Gyatso is the name given to me by my Lama. It is not uncommon in my lineage.

Thanks, I must assume good faith WP:AGF. With true leading points of fact WP:HONEST, with an impression of due authority, or with the suggestion that your account is verifiable WP:V. Zulu Papa 5 ☆ (talk) 02:21, 25 April 2009 (UTC)Reply