The IDK Theory


I came about this theory in my mind IDK (I Don't Know) as I was sitting there with plenty of time to spare pondering what life is like and we'll be like in the future and what happens to us. I started to wonder what would happen after we die, then I started to think even further. I was thinking of alien civilization and what they might be like. Everything in-between, between plank Life to the edge of the universe. And every time I got into deep thought I came back with the same inconclusive but inevitable answer 'I don't know' hence IDK. Matter of fact nobody else to a certain extent depending on the subject but even then if you go down the rabbit hole. Neither you or me, the smartest people in the world or even some of the slowest will come back with, "I don't know", Because that is the plain hard truth and that is were I came up with this Theory. You can try to look at it in different ways with faith, hope or something else but no matter how you look at it. The answer will always be I don't know IDK. Know matter how far you push the human mind the common eventuality will then always be IDK. I don't know if this makes any sense but what I do know is that I would like for anybody to come back with an answer to change my mind or yours about this and therefore the topic will be and always will be I don't know.

Sincerely James O'Hara III