South Wales derby


Please stop removing sourced information from this page. Thank you. Kosack (talk) 12:54, 9 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

The source material is misleading. You refer to "crowd disturbance" but there was only 2 arrests within the "crowd" when two Cardiff fans were arrested, the other arrests were made outside the ground on Siloh Road, I was there and these were not football fans so if the arrests were not football related why do you feel the need to highlight crowd trouble when the police themselves commended the fans on their excellent behaviour. Football fans have a bad enough reputation as it is without people posting misleading reports. User:Thoughtfox6 (talk) 13:12, 9 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

The BBC reports that fifteen arrests were made during and after the game which is exactly what's written. The arrests were in relation to the match as reported by a reputable news source. As for a reputation, Wikipedia is not here to protect the reputation of anyone but to report information. Kosack (talk) 13:16, 9 November 2009 (UTC)Reply