

Thanks for your note. Really, it's no big deal: I doubt that it even took a minute to fix it all up for you. When I first started editing regularly, another person came along and quietly formatted several dozen references between a couple of articles, so this lets me pay him back in a very small way.

By the way, if you're interested, there's a free webpage here that will make fancy formatted refs for you. Choose the right setting (URLs for websites, ISBNs for books, and so forth), paste in the source, and click the button. I always tick the "Add ref tag" box, and for URLs it's good to tick the "access date" box (so people know when you looked at it, in case the website changes later). You can then copy the text it generates into the article, and it should magically appear in the ref list at the end of the article.

To make such a ref list, if there isn't one, you can type in either {{reflist}} or <references />. {{reflist |2}} puts it in two columns, if you prefer the way that looks.

I hope that this is helpful to you, and that you'll keep up the good work. If you have questions, feel free to leave another note on my talk page. WhatamIdoing (talk) 03:48, 26 June 2008 (UTC)Reply