User talk:Vlad/2005-2006

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Dahn in topic Thank you


Am vazut ca ai sters programul de la Stufstock si de aici. Vroiam sa te intreb daca ai pus programul in wikistiri sau daca exista deja. --Locketudor 07:58, 17 September 2005 (UTC)


I removed the G8 and UN boxes because we don't use such international organization boxes any more per, Wikipedia:WikiProject Countries. If you check, you will notice that most members of the G8 do not have the box on their page. - SimonP 13:46, 23 September 2005 (UTC)

"So called Moldovan language" and romanian

Hello Vlad!

I would like in the most polite manner to have a look on the Moldovan_language where I have added some edits on the talk page [[1]]

The truth is that "Moldovan" doesn't exist. It's about romanian with a different name. The fact is that is identical with romanian. Romanian is a latin language like french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The Soviet propaganda and the russians experts since 1812 tried to make a difference on political reasons. Even internationally at the most official level is recognized that "so called moldovan" is nothing else but romanian. [[2]] Please feel free to express your opinion!  Bonaparte  talk & contribs


Esti din Transilvania? Ei bine, cand o sa te intorci o sa gasesti un nou stat unguresc ptr ca liberalii vor sa le dea autonomie ungurilor, cu un consiliu , cu presedinte, cu alegeri libere. Numai ca ei ii spun "autonomie culturala". Oricand consiliul lor se poate declara independent si sa se rupa de statul roman! De altfel, Peter eckstain covaci a si zis ca principalul articol din statutul udmr este autonomia teritoriala. A facut-o public, la postul B1 tv, la emisiunea Nasul. Daca tot stai in strainatate ar trebui sa-ti tii gura daca nu stii ce se intimpla, sau esti ungur? Atitudinea celor ca tine care minimalizeaza niste lucruri importante imi face greata.--Dacodava

Go and fuck yourself stupid hungarian!!! If you come back I will kill you because it is open the season for hunting hungarians and I am the best hunter!--Dacodava

Even if I am blocked I found an way to talk to you and to appologise because I told you hungarian because you might not be but you are stoopid and that is clear. and do not ask for appologise from people if they are blockoed!!!! I do not care if I will be blocked for good!Dacodava

Alexander for Admin , . I've nominated User:Alexander_007 as admin. Let's vote for him! -- Bonaparte talk & contribs 14:11, 4 December 2005 (UTC) Ai votat?

Our forum

Welcome to the Romanian Wikipedia notice board! This page is a portal for all Romanian-related topics and a place for Romanian editors to gather and socialize and debate. Discussions are encouraged, in both English and Romanian. Post any inquiry under their relevant cathegory.

--Anittas 19:43, 4 December 2005 (UTC)

articole istorice

Sunt articole pe care le-am scris asa cum erau in enciclopedie, pe altele le-am reformulat ptr ca aveau o exprimare invechita, unele sunt doar rezumate, iar altele sunt o compilatie de maimulte surse. Eu chiar imi facem probleme ca nu respect in tocmai textul original din enciclopedie. Intentia mea era ca sa scriu cate ceva despre fiecare domnitor, apoi sa revin si sa le completez din diferite surse. Eu nu sunt istoric ca sa fac teze istorice profesioniste. Parerea mea este ca trebuie respectate sursele documentate care respecta datele si faptele asa cum s-au intamplat. Nu trebuie nimeni sa inventeze o noua istorie ci sa o scrie asa cum este din surse bine documentate.--Dacodava

mesaje sterse

Am incercat sa-i explic lui iulianu niste aspecte referitoare la UE ptr ca el bate campii, insa mi-a sters acele mesaje. Asta m-a facut sa sterg si eu mesajele existente pe pe pag mea ptr a o lasa libera ptr alte mesaje. De ce sa ma feresc de ce am scris inainte? Utilizez un pseudonim care nu inseamna nimic ptr nimeni, si chiar si numele meu adevarat daca ar fi fost, tot nu m-ar fi deranjat. Dovada este ultimul meu mesaj lasat pe pagina si ptr care am fost blocat. Nu mi se pare normal sa nu fiu lasat sa-mi administrez pag de discutii asa cum cred de cuviinta. Daca altii o pot face eu de ce sa nu am acest drept?.--Dacodava


E adevarat ca mi-am exprimat intentia de a pleca, insa asta din cauza ca voiam sa nu mai intru pe net din motive financiare, si nu datorita site-ului Dar ptr ca sunt nevoit sa folosesc email-ul, am hotarat sa ma intorc si pe aceste site-uri. Ieri de exemplu, ptr ca era ziua unei prietene filipineze, i-am trimis un mesaj de felicitare, iar unui amic american, i-am spus de semnarea tratatului oficial ptr bazele americane in Romania. Deci, plecarea sau intoarcerea mea nu are legatura cu aceste site-uri.--Dacodava


I did not confess to you. You asked for explanations regarding my articles. And I gave them to you. That's all. I do not make confessions to anyone!--Dacodava


Hello V. M. Pacuraru! Why not taking part of the discussion of so called Moldovan language. -- Bonaparte talk 15:01, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

OK, Vladimir I'm sorry. -- Bonaparte talk 15:04, 7 December 2005 (UTC)


Thanks for correcting that, it just proves the point that the page is "pathetic". Cheers Banes 15:47, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

Well, as it happens, when I first saw your edit I thought "The nerve". Then I realized I had asked people to edit the page. Thanks again (Do you know of a place where I can get some cool userboxes?) Banes 15:54, 7 December 2005 (UTC)
You have. I've been sneaking about looking for more userboxes, and that looks like a good place to get a few more...Thanks Banes 16:07, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

Your monobook .js file

I wasn't sure if you were still checking WP:KT, since I told you to go to WP:WPUS, so I'm reposting my last comment here. Blackcap (talk) 18:37, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

(migrated from Wikipedia talk:Kate's Tool#Excuse me...)

My pleasure. I notice that on line 19 (a.href = '' + Pv7721;) you have Pv7721; instead of user;. That should be changed... does that help at all? Blackcap (talk) 18:29, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

(end migration)

Sure, no worries. Did it work? Blackcap (talk) 19:15, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

Oh, and just to check the obvious: you are using the monobook skin, right? Blackcap (talk) 22:20, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

Fantastic! I've replied here. Blackcap (talk) 17:41, 8 December 2005 (UTC)

Chinese linking rings

Which site is linking to Chinese linking rings? -- Finlay McWalter | Talk 16:01, 8 December 2005 (UTC)

our forum

Salut, Vlad. Am raspuns pe landroni talk.

PS In sfarsit inca cineva care utilizeaza Opera. Nu ma mai simt o anomalie :).

Salut, Vlad. Am mai raspuns. landroni talk.
Inca un raspuns landroni talk. landroni 15:33, 16 December 2005 (UTC)

thanks for the fix

i didn't catch that one myself. thanks :-) Alhutch 02:09, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Mircea Cartarescu

Hi there! What do you think of my edit: For the first one I'm not sure, it is my attempt of translating Romanian "funcţionar" via the French "fonctionnaire" (and this is what I've got from the babelfish, but I'm pretty much sure there is even a better word). For the second, I think this is the correct translation of Romanian "catedră" (in an University environment): chair. Hope this helps! --Vlad 11:23, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

"Civil servant" is probably fine. There is also an English-language cognate, "functionary". If he was employed by the State, "civil servant" is probably the most correct. If he was employed by the Communist Party, then civil servant" is wrong, and it should definitely be "functionary". If the writers' union was (theoretically) autonomous, "bureaucrat" would probably be most appropriate. There's also a Russian borrowing, "apparatchik", that would cover any of these in a communist state, but unsurprisingly it is a bit of a pejorative in English. -- Jmabel | Talk 20:20, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

alegeri pe mo.wikipedia

Salut Vlad,

Spune-mi te rog cat de valida este votarea, tinand cont de eligibilitatea foarte restransa? Si cum va fi aceasta privita de catre cei de pe Wikimedia? Oare nu ar trebui de organizat votarea pe Wikimedia, dupa cum spune Geni? Si de schimbat criteriile de eligibilitate? Spre exemplu, pentru moment eu nu sunt eligibil. Si eu m-as simti in drept sa votez apropo de vreo oarecare lt-cyr.wikipedia chiar daca nu cunosc limba lituaniana. Si cine a elaborat aceste reguli de votare?

Pe curand, --landroni 17:07, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Vlad, totul depinde de cum vrei sa te uiti la aceasta: dintr-o parte conteaza pentru Wikimedia, deci in principiu oricine are dreptul sa se pronunte asupra corectitudinii existentei Wikipediei moldovenesti (fraza parca e scoasa din vreo Gazeta Oficiala :)). Din alta parte, dupa cum a spus Eugen pe Wikipedia-I, "The futureof mo. is mostly a concern of Moldovans and Romanians, since it (the"Moldavian" language) is their native language." Am impresia ca e cam restrinsa eligibilitatea, insa atata timp cat votul va fi validat la nivelul Wikimediei, eu nu am nimic impotriva.

--landroni 14:20, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

Eu zic sa fie un vot pozitiv (suprimarea completa fara vreo mo-cyr) si apoi putem cere la Wikimedia si la Bugzilla bazandu-ne pe votul acesta. Iar Node poate sa strige cat vrea ca nu a fost corect: toti s-au cam saturat pana in gat de dansul. Insa e pacat ca sunt putine persoane care voteaza. Totusi cine a organizat ultima votare? --landroni 10:50, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
Aha. Acum e clar de ce Node atat de mult il iubeste :), si de ce pagina e doar in limba romana. Multumesc pentru informatii. --landroni 09:05, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

Steel Ţ


I've noticed him and I'm watching. I've already sent him a Test2 message. I've seen the article about FC Universitatea Craiova, and it would be good if you would made a more expanded omment on the Talk page. What upsets me is this comment:

Over the last 41 years,even the others teams fans (Steaua or other team) can't deny our supremacy despite this sad moment for us(the club was relegated to the Second Division, this year, for the first time, after 41 years, and Ion Oblemenco stadium was suspended for three matches ).

which is really câh and POV. The formatting is another problem, and indeed, your looks more wiki, so I agree with it.

-- Mihai -talk 12:17, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

I think we already have a Wp:3RR case. Could you also talk to bogdan, I have to go aout 4 a wile. Mihai -talk 12:31, 15 January 2006 (UTC)
One more move and I'll block him. I havea already warned him twice. See his talk page. Mihai -talk 12:35, 15 January 2006 (UTC)


Please do not add the before paying it a visit. It is 99% ads, less info about the city itself than in the article (it's a stub), and it is pushed solely by its author. As a Romanian link, it will better to toss both the Romanian sites as we already have 3 links in English. If I would try to stop the world hunger, I would not start with a webmaster.--Luci_Sandor (talkcontribs    05:41, 23 January 2006 (UTC)


This one: Mihai -talk 18:33, 24 January 2006 (UTC)

Also made a small comment on the talk page. Mihai -talk 19:36, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
Am vazut, si deja am facut 2 reverturi, asa ca o sa ma abtin. As fi bucuros daca ai da o mana de ajutor pe pagina de discutii. Multumesc. Mihai -talk 21:31, 24 January 2006 (UTC)


Thank you. We should think about getting that guy banned. He is not only a vandal: he's a moron. However, I can't go on RoWiki. There is plenty of things to do here, and they interest me more. I would go on the version from time to time, but at the moment it would be fruitless and frustrating: 85% of the articles I've seen were not only absolutely biased, they disregarded every single rule of spelling and grammar. And when you get through making an article better, some idiot such as that guy jumps in and screws it up. And then the endless argument, and the very same cliches, the copyvios, the personal resumes that get in as "neutral source"... But someday, perhaps... Dahn 21:58, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

Be careful !

Bai, fi atent, ca dobitocii astia vor sa ne stearga tag-urile care spun ca suntem in favoarea unificarii Romania-Moldova, pentru ca vasazaica sunt "polemice si inflamatorii" ! Gimme a friggin' break ! Sa nu cumva sa-i lasi sa-ti modifice pagina, daca it-i vor scoate elemente din, ea, sa le pui la loc. Am sa transmit mesajul si la ceilalti Romani. Bafta. -Voievod 18:34, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

Fuck the border

Thanks for the adjustments, although I've been told by Romanian and French speakers that it is more descriptive of the underlying meaning in the plural. Would you agree? If you have any thoughts, please direct them to the talk page :) The main thing is to capture the essence, meaning of the phrase, the second to be accurate ;) PS. Thanks for the help on, I'm learning Romanian (as is probably obvious) and I find editing Wikipedia is a good way of testing my knowledge (or lack of) :) - FrancisTyers 01:29, 9 March 2006 (UTC)

In english, "Fuck the border!" is kind of a slogan meaning "Fuck the concept of borders" or "Fuck arbitrary political frontiers". I was told that in French and in Romanian it would need to be in plural for this to make sense because otherwise you are talking about a specific border. As always I'm open to suggestions :) Capturing the meaning is more important than the accuracy. - FrancisTyers 18:59, 9 March 2006 (UTC)
No problem man, thanks for taking the time to look at my little project :) - FrancisTyers 20:02, 9 March 2006 (UTC)


The infobox and other elements of airline articles are being standardized by the airline Wikiproject. Dbinder 09:41, 10 March 2006 (UTC)

If you'd like to see something changed, please bring it up on the project page. Also, feel free to join. Cheers. Dbinder 09:42, 10 March 2006 (UTC)
It doesn't explicity say you can't use the word "and". I'm just kind of anal about keeping things consistent and listing airports, one per line, has been the de facto standard. If you think it makes it more legible, then go ahead and add it; it's a simple enough addition that it won't detract from the page. Dbinder 10:34, 10 March 2006 (UTC)

Multumesc pt mesajul de bun-venit, very kind

Toate bune !

--Vintila Barbu 12:05, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

da, desigur: m-ar interesa sa gasesc native eng.speakers sau similar, care sa slefuiasca stilistic unele texte propuse de mine, de fapt doar doua
în rest deocamdata nu am probleme, decât eventual cele care isvorasc inevitabil atunci când oameni de caractere, mentalitati din cele mai diverse si competente inegale încearca sa colaboreze

Multumesc, --Vintila Barbu 12:36, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

prompt si la obiect ! va multumesc, duminica placuta ! --Vintila Barbu 13:03, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

You're welcome

And a nice Sunday to you too. Dahn 12:40, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

I am bewildered myself. But the graph is an average for weeks spent, and I have changed my sleeping patterns several times in the period. For example, I only sleep during the day now - I am gonna kick that habit today, hopefully, by staying awake until 6 o'clock or so. Dahn 13:20, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

Romania and I

I certainly have affection for Romania, and I had a mostly great time there. Perhaps drag does not have any stronger connotation than that? If so, yes, then it was the right word, and I apologise for my demurral. I took it to mean "love", which would be a bit strong. Like any country I know, there are both things to like and things to dislike. I've certainly had harsh clashes here in Wikipedia with some of the more ardent Romanian nationalists, and as a Jew I inevitably have (at best) ambivalence about a lot of things that have occurred in Romania over its history, and the existence of Vadim Tudor et. al. tell me those aspects of Romania's history are not quite over.

Besides my personal affection for the country, part of why I write so much about Romania is that people in the English-speaking world are, for the most part, almost completely ignorant of Romania and, in particular, of Romanian culture. Most Americans would have a hard time naming three Romanians. This is not good. Romanian culture ranks as a quite significant European culture, and that English-speakers ought to have the chance to learn about it. - Jmabel | Talk 17:33, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

Yes, somehow they almost all know Nadia Comăneci. They recognize the name Nicolae Ceauşescu once they hear it, but they probably wouldn't know which country he ruled until you tell them. And then there is Dracula, but of course they know the Bram Stoker Dracula, not the historic ruler. If they are college-educated, they've heard of Ionesco, Brancusi, and maybe Tristan Tzara, but have no idea they are Romanian (most would guess French, Italian, and vaguely Slavic, respectively). Most Americans couldn't even tell you what country had a king (or two) called Carol, even though we have a chain of record stores named after him. Most could not even tell you what country Transylvania is in. - Jmabel | Talk 17:57, 19 March 2006 (UTC)

Record store chain is apparently defunct and there is almost nothing on line. - Jmabel | Talk 18:14, 19 March 2006 (UTC)


A inceput un vot pentru stergerea "Wikipediei Moldovenesti", o creatie a unui American, cu origini suspecte in Basarabia si care nu vorbeste limba wikipediei la care pretinde a fi sysop. Il cheama Node ue si pentru a crea impresia ca lumea doreste aceasta wikipedie, a apelat la toti utilizatorii rusi care au venit sa voteze de partea lui desi nu cunosc bine subiectul si li s-a spus ca voteaza pentru supravietuirea alfabetului chirilic. Asa a ajuns ca votul sa fie 31 pentru stergerea Mo wiki, si 42 impotriva stergerii - deci in alte cuvinte pentru pastrarea wikipediei in limba "moldoveneasca". Vino si voteaza aici[3] , ca sa sergem acesta creatura cu miros bolshevic, care insulta toti romanii de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului. Node ue le-a spus rusilor sa traduca mesajul lui in limba rusa si sa-l transmita mai departe. Trimite si tu mesajul acesta la toti utilizatorii romani-unionisti sau romani-moldoveni unionisti pe care-i cunosti pe sau Dapiks 23:49, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

Re:Thanks but no thanks

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the page Template:User married will be deleted shortly. If you choose not to accept my edit, that's up to you, but please reconsider. —Mira 05:02, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

And at present your userpage is listed on Category:Candidates for speedy deletion page because of it. --Alf melmac 08:23, 23 July 2006 (UTC)
Oops, I think that would be my mistake. Sorry. —Mira 17:22, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

Vino la pagina de discutii Transnistria

În 17 septembrie va fi referendum în Transnistria legat de independenţa regiunii. Cu această ocazie probabil multă lume va căuta pe Wikipedia informaţii despre Transnistria. Am încercat să adaug în articol nişte informaţii legate de acest referendum, anume:

- faptul că mai multe organizaţii antiseparatiste au lansat un apel la boicotare, considerînd referendumul "farsă"

- faptul că din 46 de ţări membre ale Consiliului Europei, 45 sînt împotriva recunoaşterii referendumului, numai RUsia are altă părere

- faptul că datele Comisiei Electorale Centrale din Tiraspol au fost schimbate în mod ciudat, anume numărul total de alegători s-a micşorat cu 7% faţă de 2005, ceea ce ridică suspiciuni asupra unei încercări de creştere artificială a prezenţei la vot prin raportarea unui număr mai mic de alegători înregistraţi.

Totdeauna am dat lincurile care dovedesc cele scrise de mine, n-am născocit nimic din burtă.

Userul Willian Mauco, care pare fan Tiraspol, mereu mi-a şters adăugirile. (vezi istoria paginii)

Puteţi vedea la pagina de discuţii Transnistria ce argumente a adus. Anume: ăia care cer boicotarea referendumului din Transnistria sînt foşti KGB-işti, că aşa zice o organizaţie rusească de analiză (a dat un linc pentru asta). Întîi a spus că respectivii nici nu sînt din Transnistria, ci doar din Basarabia, dar i-am dovedit că unii dintre semnatarii apelului la boicot sînt transnistreni. Am fost împăciuitor, i-am zis că n-are decît să adauge părerea organizaţiei ruseşti că antiseparatiştii sînt foşti KGBişti, că n-are decît să-i considere pe cei care vor boicotarea referendumului drept băieţi răi, dar faptul în sine, că s-a cerut boicotarea referendumului, trebuie menţionat. Degeaba, mereu mi s-au şters adăugirile - pentru celelalte 2 fapte nici n-a adus argumente.

A mai fost o adăugire care a şters-o, despre arestarea a 4 persoane din Transnistria care sînt împotriva separatismului (între timp li s-a dat drumul). În cazul ăsta am renunţat eu să mai insist pentru includerea informaţiei în articol (deşi informaţia e incontestabilă), tocmai fiindcă n-am vrut să mă cert prea mult.

În perioada asta cînd agenţiile de ştiri vor menţiona referendumul de la Tiraspol, se va citi articolul Transnistria în Wikipedia poate mai mult decît într-un an întreg. De aia acum e nevoie să existe în articol informaţii despre contestarea corectitudinii referendumului. Nu cer să se menţioneze ca adevăr absolut faptul că referendumul e incorect, ci doar că există unii (OSCE, 45 din 46 ţări ale Consiliului Europei, unele organizaţii din zonă şi din Basarabia) care consideră asta. Vă cer de aceea sprijinul ca să interveniţi pe pagina de discuţii Transnistria pentru a susţine rămînerea informaţiei în pagină şi să repuneţi informaţia atunci cînd Mauco o şterge (eu nu pot să verific chiar 24 de ore din 24). Evitaţi atacurile suburbane, păstraţi ton civilizat. mulţumesc.

Who is William Mauco Here is an article about a Wikipedia celebrity, William Mauco, and his relations with the International Council for Democratic Institutions and State Sovereignty (ICDISS), an organisation "which seems to be a front organisation for a Kremlin-backed rogue statelet called Transdniestria" (quote from the article)

Edward Lucas wrote about Mauco: "The other lead is William Mauco. He has an extensive record of posting intelligent and fairly neutral entries on Wikipedia, not only about TD but about other unrecognised statelets. Crucially, these predate ICDISS's birthday of January 2006. And he also claims to have been at their conference in Mexico City in April of this year. I have written to him asking to get in touch, and had a friendly email in reply. I am planning to follow up this research in an article in European Voice at the end of August, so watch this space!"--MariusM 08:30, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

Refs for Rocky

I don't really see how your version is different from mine and yours doesn't say what year it was obtained, however I could be missing something

†he Bread 03:51, 19 September 2006 (UTC)

Ahh , I knew i was missing something, thanks for clearing that up

†he Bread 19:56, 19 September 2006 (UTC)

Vote against article deletion of article Heaven of Transnistria

Together with EvilAlex (a guy from Transnistria) I created an article regarding Transnistria's separatist propaganda Heaven of Transnistria. It was nominated for deletion. Please help to keep this article, voting against deletion [4]. Enough was deleted from Transnistria article itself, Wikipedia is full with Tiraspol's propaganda, let's have at least an article that explain this propaganda--MariusM 18:30, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

Indemn sa votezi keep, ca si mine. De unde ai tras concluzia ca am votat delete?--MariusM 13:22, 21 September 2006 (UTC)

change to bio of Melissa Farley

hello, see you removed the "fem-stub" from Melissa Farley if you look at the of the Talk:Melissa Farley page you can see that the article currently is rated as a "Stub" by the Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography so hoped you might put it back on so the article could be upgraded in accordance with wikipedia standards

or of course you could also put a note onto Talk:Melissa Farley about why you chose to remove it -- this comment by DJL (at work) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Thank you

Thank you. Dahn 13:44, 2 October 2006 (UTC)