Salve, amici et amicae! Hic rem diversam disputemus. Sedite, ineamus!

Vandals shall be SEVERELY punished.

Jake* and 84.154.*.* Hoaxes


I extend my greetings to all invited delegates and administrators and request them to act accordingly and decent. The meeting shall be in order. Let us begin. --VosConclavo 22:39, 1 Apr 2005 (UTC)

  • In light of this new situation, I feel it proper to withdraw my threat of creating and unleashing new hoaxes. It would be improper to be doing so mischievous an act now, with the pope in very serious condition. Forgive me for my acts and for any harm or problems which I may have done you. I would like to confess something to you administrators concerning my identity and related matters. If you are interested, please continue this discussion. -- 22:43, 1 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I am not an administrator—or more accurately, everyone can act as administrator in the capacity of reverting vandalism, as per Wikipedia:Administrators.

There's no need to ask for forgiveness or confess or whatever else you feel is necessary for remedying the situation, nor to ask the admins to listen—as Oscar Wilde said, it is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.

I personally don't understand how you can be "very bored" and someone whose "extent of [...] knowledge and vocabulary" is great, and yet find nothing better to do with Wikipedia than to play mind games with the established contributors. Now, that is childish—it's like someone heckling the librarian instead of looking for good books to read. If you can't find anything productive to do with your time, is that our fault? Worse, should our readers pay for it?

If you're that proud of your smarts, why don't you prove it by writing a featured article on a topic you are interested in? Beware, this is not easy: for one thing, you'll have to cooperate with others, which is not something everyone is proficient at. Your edit history seems to put you at a disadvantage on that point.

You'd be surprised at how productive and interesting editing at Wikipedia can be. There are so much more satisfying things to do than playing spot-the-hoax with people who have their hands full enough on their own projects without having to babysit others.

Jake, if that is indeed your name, consider getting a serious account (or sticking with this one if you feel it's serious enough). Take a look at Wikipedia:Welcome, newcomers and consider whether you really want to spend your time on Wikipedia annoying people. Obstructing people will never give you the satisfaction you could get from working with them. More importantly, you can't win, because we're not interested in playing in the first place. Maybe we'll find your hoaxes. Maybe not. Why should anyone really care? Indulging such hoaxery would just encourage more. Better to ignore it and trust that independent people will spot it eventually; allowing some short-term damage to the encyclopedia in exchange for preventing long-term damage. Wikipedia was never meant to be foolproof against malicious people. As a Dutch poet put it once, "everything of value is defenseless".

In short: join us. We rock. JRM 13:50, 2005 Apr 2 (UTC)

what he said. If you're bored, join us. It's just as fun, plus, you'll make friends, dab () 14:43, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)

  • I take your advice in good faith. I will join you - provided all of you who were troubled by me forgive me. That includes Plek, RickK, Jni, who chased me so dutifully for three days, and JakeGHz, who was wrongfully persecuted and ridiculed in my stead. Forgive me, all of you, for all the crimes I comitted on Wikipedia, including the hoaxes, the impersonation, and the useless arguing. It was wrong to trick all of you, especially now, when the whole world is praying for Pope John Paul II. Please forgive me. I still need to talk with an administrator, however. I really hope someone can come or call an admin. Thanks. 15:03, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC) reply here pls
I think you misunderstand, see Wikipedia:Administrators -- they are the same as everybody else, except that at one point, people have voted that they are to be trusted not to wreck Wikipedia. I am one of them, incidentially. See also User_talk:JRM#User_talk:VosConclavo. As for RickK etc., I don't know if they'll forgive you, but you'll certainly have much better chances by showing some reasonable behaviour. Also, there is no "us" in the sense that people disagree all over WP. The trick is to do your disagreeing with some style and good grace. dab () 15:20, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I really think what you did was really low. Do you know how much trouble you caused? Do you know what you did to MY REPUTATION? Sure, you may think it's funny that the authorities chase someone else instead of you, but do you know what it feels like to be innocent and be chased around as if I were a CRIMINAL? You know how I feel. I hope you don't do this thing anymore in future. Jesus once said to forgive your enemies seventy times seven, if I remember correctly. And, boy, if it weren't for that, you'd be my worst enemy. I forgive you. Call it quits. Just DON'T do this thing again because if you DO, I'm going to find you and Lord knows what will happen. Welcome to Wikipedia. JakeGHz 15:42, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
um, Jake, can we stop the games now? yes? try writing a nice article. dab () 15:58, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Thank you! You have my word that I won't wreck an article or create another hoax anymore. May I make one final request - that the others whom I mentioned forgive me, and that my sock puppets be unbanned. I need closure with the Bleakeley dispute, and I might be able to use one of my sock puppets as my account. But if I decide not to, I hope I'll be allowed to create my own user page, using this as my private talk page. I am sincerely sorry, Plek, Jni, and RickK. Please forgive me. 16:00, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
P.S. JakeGHz is not one of my accounts. You have my word.
Your sock puppets don't really need to be unbanned; you can create a new page and list which accounts you've been using if you want to make this clear. I don't think anyone will disbelieve your claims. In particular, it's probably more useful to consolidate them all under one account then to use "the original account" for resolving disputes, because this just promulgates the identity confusion. JRM 16:06, 2005 Apr 2 (UTC)
  • Okay. I guess I'll make one. I have to rename this page, by the way, for grammatical reasons. How do I do it? 17:09, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    Changing your user name is not possible at this moment; nobody is servicing user name requests. However, you can do the following:
    • Create a new account under the correct name.
    • Log in and move User:VosConclavo to the user page so created. This will automatically create redirects.
    • Do not use the VosConclavo account again; instead just stick with the new one.
    • Enjoy your new status as registered Wikipedian.
    JRM 17:19, 2005 Apr 2 (UTC)
  • Thanks again! Perhaps it would be good if you removed my name from the Vandalism list so that others wouldn't worry, but then again, you know what's best so I'll leave it to you. Thanks. 17:30, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
    • After dealing with the "pelican shit" vandal for the past few minutes, it's a refreshing change of pace to have stumbled on this discussion. This site really does rock and anyone who contributes in a positive way is doing so for the world. Nice way to while away a bit of spare time, no? Welcome to the club. - Lucky 6.9 06:59, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)