TRON goofups during the film


Guys, upon analysis of the film TRON (2010), these errors have been found:- Continuity: During the chase from the Encom Building and the two police cars pull out from the side streets on his left and right to stop him and pull up close together. As he looks behind him then again forward we again seeing the same two police cars pulling out from the left and right again.

Anachronisms: Flynn's Arcade was supposedly locked up when Kevin Flynn disappeared in 1989. However in the scene where Garrett Hedlund is walking through the arcade, one of the machines is Mortal Kombat, which wasn't released until 1992.

Anachronisms: When Sam deactivates the screen saver on the computer hidden in the arcade, we see one window with, among other things, an indication that the machine he's working on is a sun4m. The first sun4ms weren't announced until about 1992, well after the time that Kevin Flynn ostensibly disappeared.

Revealing mistakes: When Edward Dillinger Jr. logs into the console during the board meeting, if you look very carefully during the cut-scene from his typing to the console screen you will see "Ubuntu" as the actual console root.

Revealing mistakes: When Sam Flynn is first brought to Clu, his identity disk on his back is not illuminated. The inner ring on both sides is always supposed to be lit, but several times in side views, various characters ID disks aren't lit.

Continuity: Quorra's unique and pronounced hairstyle changes throughout the film, at times slanting to the left and at others slanting to the right.

Continuity: On the solar sailor leading to the portal Flynn changes position during his "knocking on the sky" yoga pose, while Quorra is talking to Sam.

Continuity: When Rinzler captures Quorra and escorts her to Clu, the picture is mirrored (one can clearly see her costume and haircut being reversed).

Factual errors: When CLU holds the speech in front of his army, there is a close up of one of his soldiers' helmets. CLU is seen mirrored right in the centre of the visor. In the next shot we see CLU standing on his podium yet not a single soldier is actually standing in front of him. The reflections on all visors should thus, with all soldiers looking straight ahead, either be on the left or the right sides of the visors, but never centered.

Continuity: During the fight in the End of line club. Gem is directly on the right of Castor. But after Quorra arrives, Gem is no longer directly next to Castor. When Castor pronounces "Behold! the son of our maker!" Gem appears on the right of Castor, but a few feet behind him. Then makes a motion as if to play his cane like an air guitar, Gem is now taking a seat right of Castor instead of standing. When Castor fires his cane, Gem reappears on the right of Castor.

Revealing mistakes: When Sam is riding his motorcycle, weaving through traffic in the tunnel, there are two flashing "X" Lane indicators above the traffic, indicating that the traffic is all traveling the wrong way.

Continuity: Sam is shown with a baton attached to his right leg in the shot of the circular arena elevator. He does not receive it until the lightcycle duel, and it is not shown again until then.

Continuity: After their BASE jump from the top of the Rectifier, Sam's disc is not on his back during his close-up with Quorra, but it is in the other shots.

Continuity: During the opening sequence, the camera flies from the downtown area of the city, across the bay, to Flynn's house, and into Sam Flynn's bedroom. Thus, his bedroom window should face the skyline of the city. However, when he looks out of his window, there are no buildings visible.

Continuity: When Clu is talking to Castor/Zuse in the bar, Castor/Zuse's skin changes from blue to Caucasian and back again between shots.

Wikiang123 (talk) 13:54, 20 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Twelve year old boy gets French Diploma


He is twelve years old, but nurtures a passion for languages- and French tops the list currently. Angad Srivastava, a student of class VIII of Y.P.S. Mohali may very well be the youngest person in the region to clear the DALF C1 examination (Diploma of Advanced French Language Studies). Till recently, it was the highest French language course offered by Alliance Francaise, Chandigarh. It is the official language proficiency diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education. For Angad, it all began in the summer of 2008, when his mother chanced upon a newspaper article and took him to the institute- a journey which was to open a new world and culture for him. Quite literally so, as he has now visited France twice- going to Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Versailles and Alsace Vin route, and the young Francophile can’t wait to put on his travel boots again ! The youngster says, “Learning French has benefitted me immensely. Besides being a scholastic achievement, it has sharpened my listening abilities, communication skills, and increased my knowledge of English too, as many words in English originate from French. I also enjoy the look of surprise when I converse with and help French travellers in India.” Angad’s mother, a doctor, and father, a police officer, are really proud of how he’s managed long school hours, swimming, tennis, singing and reading- his other interests. “Travel in France was a breeze, because Angad took the lead and chatted fluently with the locals in French, winning us warm smiles and friends wherever we went. Besides all the signage and boards were no longer Greek and Latin for us! ”, they chorus happily.

La Plume , the official newsletter of Alliance Francaise de Chandigarh , in its June-July edition ‘warmly felicitates Angad , its youngest student for passing the C1 exam with flying colours.

File:C:\Documents and Settings\angad\Desktop\Angad at AF.docx

Wikiang123 (talk) 14:01, 20 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Black rhinoceros


Could you please check the cited source [1] before changing the animal status? We list IUCN status, not BBC status or etc. Thanks. Materialscientist (talk) 10:43, 25 April 2013 (UTC)Reply