

1. The public can have direct access to my wiki. They can automatically be connected to my profile.

2. Because the member responds positively to my pages and posts reasonable comments.

3. I would delete the comment or even block the user.



Sales It is expected that marketing of the products will begin within the next 3 to 6 months, initially concentrating on BookingSoft, aimed at the lower end of the market and as each product is finalised development will begin of the next package.

As none of us are experts, until we can recruit a marketing person, we're going to start our thinking using classic marketing theory. Marketing is usually looked at in terms of the 4 P's

Products Initially we will develop 3 packages. Currently these packages are known under their development names of:

BookingSoft AccountsSoft EventsSoft

We will identify the launch names once we have finalised all the details regarding trade names and domain names. The detailed specification of the three packages will be uploaded on to TEPwiki at a future point once we have started recruiting software developers etc.

Broadly speaking the three packages will build up extra functionality based on the lower product, BookingSoft is the lowest specification product and StockSoft the highest specified. Each product includes all the functionality of the lower product. It is imperative that once the detailed design specification phase begins that the modularity of these packages is borne in mind to prevent double coding of functionality.

Each product will be fully documented on TEPwiki and will be the complete log of all functionality. No other document will be a source for information with regard to UI design, functionality, data storage etc.

What is essential is that the sales team take primary responsibility for giving the development team a clear brief as to how this type of software should function.

Promotion We will use the following promotional methods: Trade Shows The sites of local Trade Shows are shown below:

Mail shot Fax messages SMS email Open Days Trade journal/newspaper adverts.



TEPwiki will eventually contain all details of the various Marketing initiatives. TEPwiki will be developed as time allows.

YourNameTEPwiki (talk) 05:45, 13 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Software Development


Software Development

The software will be built on shared core functionality so that each package uses ALL the functionality of the lower package(s).

We need to identify the following issues: Database Development Tools and any required 'Add ons' Any installation issues (for example database installation and configuration) Please use the area below for comments.

Specification BookingSoft Make individual booking Make group booking Make block booking Log room types Log rooms Rooms to be of one or more types.

YourNameTEPwiki (talk) 06:01, 13 April 2019 (UTC)Reply