Vasile Ernu (born 1971) is a Soviet-born Romanian writer.

Born in Odessa, Soviet Union, Ernu studied philosophy at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, graduating in 1996, after which he earned a master's degree in philosophy at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca in 1997.[1]

Ernu's debut book is Născut în URSS ("Born in the USSR"), a self-biographic work in which he recounts his experiences in the Soviet Union, in a mix of melancholia and irony.[2]

The book earned him the debut prize of the Writers' Union of Romania and the one of the România Literară magazine and it was translated in several languages, including: Russian, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish and Georgian.[3]


  • Născut în URSS (Born in the USSR), Polirom, 2006
  • Ultimii eretici ai Imperiului (The last heretics of the Empire), Polirom, 2009
  • Intelighenția rusă azi (Russian intelligentsia today), Editura Cartier, 2012
  • Sunt un om de stânga (I am a left-winger), Editura Cartier, 2013
  • Sectanții. Mică trilogie a marginalilor (Cultists. A small trilogy of the marginalized), Polirom, 2015
  • Intelighenția basarabeană azi. Interviuri, discuții, polemici despre Basarabia de ieri și de azi (Bessarabian intelligentsia today. Interviews, discussions, debates on today's and yesterday's Bessarabia), Editura Cartier, 2016

