Wikipedia:Categories for deletion/Category:Clerics by nationality

The following discussion comes from Wikipedia:Categories for deletion. This is an archive of the discussion only; please do not edit this page. -Kbdank71 20:51, 10 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Contents subsumed into Category:Religious leaders by nationality, so it's now empty. There were quite a number of "Fooian clerics", "Fooian clergy" and "Fooian clergymen" subcategories (which is why I made Category:Clerics by nationality in the first place) but I have come to the conclusion that they really belong in Religious leaders by nationality . Cleric isn't as useful or specific term as "Bishop" or "Iman", so most religious leaders (especially Hindu, Christian or Muslim) are technically clerics, but it doesn't fit so well for some Native American, African and East Asian religions. The big difference is that monks may count as religious leaders but are not clerics, though I doubt that this is a useful distinction for categorisation purposes. "Religious leaders" is a more neutral term, and one that "Clerics of Croatia" etc all fit. I can't therefore see the need for having a different "Clerics by nationality" category. For consistency I may soon try and get "Clerics of Croatia" --> "Croatian religious leaders" and so on (or making it a subcat of "Croatian religious leaders" which would include monks...) but either way I can't see the advantage in having clerics by nationality any longer. --VivaEmilyDavies 04:19, 8 Mar 2005 (UTC)

  • Delete. Concur with Viva, author of the category. --A D Monroe III 13:15, 8 Mar 2005 (UTC)