Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates/RockPaperScissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors chart

This image struck me in its effective presentation of the basic concept behind the game Rock, Paper, Scissors.This diagram's circular geometry juxtaposed with the asymmetry or the icons, depicted both in their manual and iconographic forms, conveys an almost tactile sensation. Looking at this picture one can imagine the dense weight and rough texture of the rock in contrast to the lightness and flexibility of the paper, threatened by the cold sharpness and mechanical action of the scissors. Many of us are already familiar with this popular game whose rules and equipment are almost universal, and most of us can configure our hands into the three simple gestures representative of these common objects in less than the time it takes to finish this sentence. The picture appears in the article Rock, Paper, Scissors, and seems to have been crafted by Horst Frank

Not promoted Raven4x4x 05:27, 12 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]