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GLAM/NHMandSM/SM Galleries/Agriculture
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File:Model of Crosskill's clod-crusher, patented in 1841
File:Model of Cambridge's clod crusher, patented by W. C. Cambridge in 1844
File:Patrick Bell's original reaping machine, 1826
File:Model (scale 1:8) of Massey-Harris "Advance" hay tedder, 1893
File:Model (Scale 1:4) of patent portable threshing machine and horse gear embodying patents of 1843, 1844 and 1850, made by Richard Garrett & Sons Ltd of Leiston and shown at the Great Exhibition, 1851
File:Model (Scale 1:4) of lever horse hoe with detachable shafts by Richard Garrett & Sons of Leiston, embodying patents of 1842 and 1849, and shown at the Great Exhibition, 1851
File:Model (Scale 1:4) of Suffolk corn drill with detachable drag and travelling wheels by Richard Garrett & Sons of Leiston, embodying patents of 1844 & 1846, and shown at the Great Exhibition, 1851
File:Model (Scale 1:6) of the McCormick reaper shown at the Great Exhibition, 1851
File:Model (Scale 1:8) of hay, corn & straw elevator on carriage, by G. H. Innes & Co., Hitchin
File:Model (Scale 1:4) of Martin's seven-tine cultivator, No. 1 size, embodying patent of 1828
File:Model (Scale 1:8) of Fison's adjustable double furrow plough, 1872
File:Flail for thrashing corn, late 19th century
File:Model (Scale 1:4) of Reeve's patent combined seed and liquid manure agitator drill, 1854, (pair shafts detachable)
File:Model of a double-action hay tedder, mid 19th century
File:East Indian or Javanese plough (model)
File:Ancient Roman plough (used in the time of Virgil) (model)
File:Asia minor plough (used in the time of Job and Ulysses) (model)
File:Ancient Mexican plough (model)
File:Ancient Chinese plough (model)
File:Ancient Roman wheel plough (model)
File:Indian plough, Punjab agricultural Dept. 1924 (native made) (model)
File:Caschrom used in the Hebrides and Isle of Skye until the 19th century (model)
File:Senussi plough (model)
File:Morocco plough, 1926 (native made) (model)
File:Chinese plough 1925 (native made) (model)
File:Egyptian plough, 1926 (native made) (model)
File:Liberian plough (model)
File:Russian plough (model)
File:German plough (model)
File:Rhodesian single wheel plough (model)
File:German and Spanish turnwest plough (model)
File:South African elephant plough (model)
File:Italian turnwrest plough (model)
File:Siam plough, model
File:Wood beam plough (U.S.A. and Australia), model
File:Palestine plough, model
File:Bulgarian plough, model
File:Sickle, with serrated edge, by Brades Co., Birmingham, late 19th century
File:Model of eight furrow auto-balance steam plough, by Howards of Bedford
File:Ransome patent cast iron plough share, one of two, type A2, early 19th century
File:Ransome patent cast iron plough share, one of two, type NL2, early 19th century
File:Model of Finlayson's original patent harrow
File:Model of Wilkie's drill grubber, or horse-hoe with appended grubber
File:Model drill-grubber or Horse-hoe, by Mr. Gorrie, Annat Cottage, Perthshire, 1840
File:Model machine for dibbling grain, (Presented by Mr. C. Wilton, Wicham Market, 1835)
File:Model winnowing machine
File:Model of Morton's revolving brake harrow
File:Models of three draught horses, with complete cart harness.
File:Model of a rhomboidal jointed wooden harrow
File:Two model rhomboidal harrows with yoke of swing-trees
File:Model of Morton's grain drill sowing machine of 1828
File:Model American horse rake (both sides of head are toothed, and either side can be turned to the front by means of a lever)
File:Hay knife, for cutting hay from stack
File:Potato or cabbage planter or dibble, with bent elm handle and metal point, 12" long, c. 1800
File:Model of Jones' mowing machine, late 19th century
File:Model finishing fanners, or duster
File:Two models (1:16 scale) of agricultural implements found in the Theban necropolis, XV111th Dynasty, 2000-1500 BC (see note)
File:Fagging stick, (used in conjunction with sickle when reaping)
File:Iron Errish rake, no handle
File:Model of Small's wooden plough, 1763, copied from original model in the Royal Scottish Museum
File:Bronze hoe, from Tel El Amarna, Upper Egypt, c. 1500 BC
File:Model (scale 1:8) of Small's East Lothian plough, all-iron construction
File:Model of Dray's reaping machine, based on Hussey's design of 1833
File:Early stag horn implement, possibly mesolithic (6000 BC) found in Thames at Wandsworth, 1928
File:Model of Sussex farm waggon
File:Model of Oxford farm waggon
File:Sickle with serrated edges from Sound Weisdale, Shetland Islands.
File:Model of a bean drill (scale 1:4) c. 1800
File:Model scale 1:8, of a Surrey farm wagon
File:Model of hay rake, c. 1857 scale 1:4
File:Model of hay rake, c. 1880; Improved design, scale 1:4
File:Model of patent reaping machine, c. 1865. International pattern, scale 1:4
File:Model of patent reaping machine, 1870, scale 1:8
File:Model of patent reaping machine, 1870, Simplex, scale 1:8
File:Model of Champion plough of England, c. 1850, scale 1:4
File:Model of 3-section harrow - zig-zag, 1850
File:Model of flexible chain harrow
File:Model of horse stubble rake
File:Model of grubber
File:Model of English wheel plough
File:Model of Wilkie's turnwrest plough
File:Model of double mouldboard plough
File:Model of Wilkie's plough.
File:Model of sowing machine.
File:Hay or straw fork.
File:Rake, hand, hay
File:Early iron sickle
File:One model, scale 1:8 of a Lincolnshire woad cart
File:Model wagon with removable under-carriage
File:Early corn dibber, one of two
File:Old gleaners' threshing machine
File:Diorama of a Mediaeval village showing the three-fold system of cultivation
File:Steam ploughing engine, with duplex steam cylinder, of a typical design of the period 1900, model, scale 1: ?.
File:Bronze sickle. Austria
File:Diorama of a horse-drawn plough
File:Diorama of steam ploughing
File:Diorama of tractor ploughing (1917) with Ford 1917 model tractor and model of Oliver No.7 two-furrow plough (scale of models 1:12)
File:Model, (scale 1:12), of a potato planter
File:Model, (scale 1:12), of a transplanter
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12 of a tractor and muck fork
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a spike tooth harrow
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a Ferguson trailer
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a Ferguson trailer
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a wood saw
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a mounted ridger
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a combined seed and fertilizer drill
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a steerage hoe
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a Fowler steam ploughing engine of 1867-1871
File:Model, scale 1:12, of Fowler self moving anchor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of Fowler four furrow balanced plough
File:Model, scale 1:12, of an Avery "Dead-weight sack scale" for farm use. With two 56-lb weights. (2 further 56 lb and 128 lb weights to scale made in workshops)
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a straw baler
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a 3-Baron disc harrow
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a 3-furrow Jumbotrac subsoiler
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a potato digger
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a mole drainer
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a toolbar cultivator
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a thrashing machine
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a sheaf elevator
File:General purpose plough body
File:Semi-digger plough body
File:Plough body (digger)
File:Model, scale 1:12, of high/low volume sprayer for the application of selective weed killers, insecticides and fungicides
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a "Paterson" buckrake
File:Model, scale 1:12, of an earth scoop and grader
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a trailer
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a mounted 3 furrow plough
File:3' Diorama of muck yard
File:17' Diorama of Autumn farming
File:12' Diorama of Winter and Spring
File:12' diorama of spring farming
File:6' Diorama of combine harvester
File:3' Diorama of reaping
File:6' Diorama of threshing
File:3' Diorama of hormone spraying
File:18th century sickle, steel, wooden handle.
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a sugar beet lifter
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a Cooke winch
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model, scale 1:12, of a tractor
File:Model three-furrow plough, scale 1:12
File:Model tiller, scale 1:12
File:Model of a reaper binder, scale 1:12
File:Seed fiddle
File:Diorama illustrating preparation of a potato field in 1850
File:Model, scale 1:4, of Jethro Tull's seed drill, c. 1701
File:Feed hopper and mechanism for demonstration model of seed box for Jethro Tull's drill
File:Stanhay seed-spacing drill with electrical seed belt indicator
File:Draught dynamometer by Cottam and Hallen
File:Draught recording dynamometer by Richard Clyburns, complete with land wheels, attachment link.
File:Model of Usher's steam plough of 1849.
File:Model spike-tooth harrow. scale 1:20
File:Model 3-gang roller, scale 1:20
File:Model tractor, scale 1:20
File:Model tractor, scale 1:20
File:Model tractor, scale 1:20
File:Model tractor, scale :20
File:Model 2-furrow reversible plough, scale 1:20
File:Model cultivator, scale 1:20
File:Multilevel elevator model, scale 1:12
File:"Listerted" tedding machine model, scale 1:12
File:Moisture extraction unit model, scale 1:12
File:Model of forage harvester, scale 1:12
File:Model of a Fowler steam cultivator
File:Model, scale 1:12, of Wolseley 'Jungle Buster'
File:1:12 scale model of Doe's dual drive tractor "Triple-D".
File:Model of Whitsed potato harvester, scale 1:12
File:Model of a Howard E. Series III rotovator, scale 1 : 12
File:1:12 scale model Fordson Dexta tractor
File:1:12 scale model Fordson Dexta tractor
File:1:12 scale model Fordson Super Dexta tractor
File:1:12 scale model Fordson Super Major tractor
File:1:12 scale model of 8' Cambridge land roll
File:1:12 scale model Nuffield 460 tractor
File:1:12 scale model Nuffield 460 tractor
File:1:12 scale model Nuffield 460 tractor
File:1:12 scale model Nuffield 342 tractor
File:1:12 scale model of 4-furrow reversible plough
File:Diorama depicting haymaking, storage and drying
File:1:12 scale model McConnel power arm with armhead No.1 hedger
File:1:12 scale model McConnel power arm with armhead No. 12a ditcher
File:Model of post hole digger, scale 1:12
File:Massey-Ferguson type 780 combine harvester thresher J 3162 C.
File:John Salmon forecaster sugar beet harvester (Scale. 1 : 12)
File:Model of John Deere 214T baler, scale 1:16 approx.
File:1:12 scale model of tank combine harvester
File:1:12 scale model of B 47 baler
File:1:12 scale model of farm tipping trailer
File:1:12 scale model of 2-furrow reversible plough
File:1:12 scale model of B 414 tractor
File:1:12 scale model of B 614 tractor
File:1:12 scale model of B 414 tractor
File:1:12 scale model of B 614 tractor
File:Model of Ford 5000 Super Major tractor 65 bhp, scale 1:12.
File:Model of Ford 4000 Major tractor 55 bhp, scale 1:12.
File:Model of Ford 3000 Super Dexta tractor 46 bhp, scale 1:12.
File:1:12 scale model of B414 tractor
File:1:12 scale model of B414 tractor
File:1917 Fordson tractor, Engine No 1857, Colour: grey
File:Harry Ferguson's prototype tractor with 3-point linkage, weight transference and hydraulic control, built in 1935 at Belfast, known as "the Ferguson Black".
File:Harry Ferguson's first mounted plough. Built in 1935 at Belfast. 2 furrow type
File:Model 1904 Ruston Proctor threshing machine
File:Wooden corn shovel
File:Diorama of demonstration of tilling. Made in1951 but extensively revamped in order to maintain its function.