Ladedaism is a political, social and artistic movement of the late Twentieth Century, and early Twenty-first Century. The Ladeda (pronounced Laa-Dee-Dah) movement draws its inspirations from the philosophies Existentialism and Absurdism, in which little meaning is gained from existence. Ladedaism extends on this belief by placing an emphasis on the importance of frivolity in modern society.

Introduction to Philosophy

Where Existentialists saw no meaning in existence, Ladedaists see no purpose in seriousness. The main philosophy of the Ladeda movement is that if there is no meaning, everything is playful. The ten point theory goes thus:

  • There is no point in eating, one only feels hungry again.
  • There is no point in bathing, one only gets dirty again.
  • There is no point in reading, it is a waste of time.
  • A ten point theory need not consist of ten points.