26 June 10:30-13:30
BBQ at Southbank
Meat and drinks will be provided. Bring a salad or something similar if you can. Organise what we each bring on the talk page.
Someone will be at the Wheel of Brisbane between 10:30 and 11:00 to let everyone know where we've set up camp. Email user:lankiveil to obtain a phone number to contact.
Hello there - My train gets in at just before 11 - could someone wait for me until 11.05? :) User:KteachK


  1. user:John Vandenberg
  2. user:Lankiveil
  3. Murray Phillips
  4. user:tony.naar
  5. user:Commander Keane
  6. Leigh Blackall
  7. User:Kgbo
  8. User:Zero1328
  9. User:KteachK