Wikipedia:Meetup/Invasive Species WikiThon/Guideline for implementing the List of invasive alien species of Union concern into other European languages

Version 2020-01-30.01. Author: Christian Ries.



The Krakow Invasive Species WikiThon was organised from 27 to 29 January 2020 as a COST action Alien-CSI event to teach and discuss the use of Wikimedia for the dissemination and awareness raising of invasive species.

This Guideline explains how to publish the official list of invasive alien species of Union concern into another Wikipedia language.

Preliminary actions

  1. Open the original article in English that you wish to translate:
  2. Open a new text document in any editor (e.g. Notepad or Notepad++).

Translations to prepare


Copy your translations of the following elements into your text document.

The title of the article


"List of invasive alien species of Union concern" is the exact official denomination of the list as published by the European Commission in the Official Journal.

Please look up this official name in your language ( This will be the title of your article.

2 introduction paragraphs

In 2016, following the EU Regulation 1143/2014[1] on Invasive Alien Species, the European Commission published a first list of 37 IAS of Union concern[2]. The list was first updated in 2017[3] and comprised 49 species. Since the second update in 2019[4], 66 species are listed as IAS of EU concern.

The species on the list are subject to restrictions on keeping, importing, selling, breeding and growing. Member States of the European Union must take measures to stop their spread, implement monitoring and preferably eradicate these species. Even if they are already widespread in the country they are expected to manage the species to avoid further spread.[5]

Table title and column titles

Sortable table of invasive alien species of Union concern

Scientific name

English name

Taxonomic group

EU<ref>Year in which the species was published in the list of EU concern.</ref>

Prepare the references

  1. Lookup the following references in your language (open link, click on your language version).
  2. Copy the "Title and reference" section, format it to look like the references below and paste it into your text document.



Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. OJ L 317, 4.11.2014: 35–55. ELI:

Original list


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 of 13 July 2016 adopting a list of invasive alien species of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council. C/2016/4295. OJ L 189, 14.7.2016: 4–8. ELI:

1st update


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1263 of 12 July 2017 updating the list of invasive alien species of Union concern established by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council. C/2017/4755. OJ L 182, 13.7.2017: 37–39. ELI:

2nd update


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1262 of 25 July 2019 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 to update the list of invasive alien species of Union concern. C/2019/5360. OJ L 199, 26.7.2019: 1–4. ELI:

Create the article in your language

  1. Open the Wikipedia in your language.
  2. Paste the title of your article into the search field in the top right corner of the web page and hit return.
  3. Wikipedia will try to find an article with this exact title and will probably come up with an error message telling you this page does not exist, and asks you if you wish to create this page providing a red link.
  4. Click on the red linked name of your article to create an empty article with your title.
  5. Go to the original article in English ( and click on the edit tab on the top right section of the page which will open the article to edit it.
  6. Select what to copy: Click with your right mouse button inside the editing window, this will open a contextual menu where you choose "Select all".
  7. Copy to your clipboard: Click again with your right mouse button inside the editing window and choose "copy" in the contextual menu.
  8. Go to your own page in your own language
  9. Paste in your page: Click with your right mouse button inside the editing window, this will open a contextual menu where you choose "Paste".

Mark your article as "In use" so not to be disturbed

  1. Open the page
  2. Lookup the version of this page in your language, you will find a list of languages in the bottom section of the left sidebar.
  3. Look for examples on how to use this Template in your language; in English it will be
{{In use}}
  1. Add the template code in a single line at the top of your article.
  2. Click on the blue "Publish changes" button on the left side below the editing page.

Edit and change the introduction

  1. Click on the "Edit" tab at the top right of your article.
  2. Replace both paragraphs with the text that you translated.
  3. Replace the Reference markups (e.g. [1]) with your translated references that you place between <ref></ref>.
  4. Click on the blue "Publish changes" button

Edit the table

  1. Click on the "Edit" tab next to the title of the Sortable table, this will open only the section of the table to edit.
  2. Replace the following column titles with your translations:
!Scientific name
!English name
!Taxonomic group
!EU<ref>Year in which the species was published in the list of EU concern.</ref>
  1. The table code for one species is like this
|| ''[[Acacia saligna]]'' <small>(Labill.) H.L.Wendl.</small>
|| Golden wreath wattle
|| Plantae
|| 2019
  1. The first, 3rd and 4th line of the code (corresponding to the columns in the table) can be left as they are (Scientific name and taxonomic groups are in latin; date)
  2. You can replace the English name in the second line of each species code with the vernacular name in your language. If it doesn't exist, just delete the English name. If a new name will be created in your language at a later moment, you or another Wikipedia user may enter this name in the table.
  3. Click on the blue "Publish changes" button.

Adapt the bottom of the page

  1. Edit the whole article (click the edit tab above the article).
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. The Resources and See also sections are facultative, you may also delete them.
  4. The last section automatically lists your references, in English it is done by the code:
  5. Open the page
  6. Lookup the version of this page in your language, you will find a list of languages in the bottom section of the left sidebar.
  7. Look for examples on how to use this Template in your language; in English it will be
== References ==
  1. Insert the corresponding code at the bottom of your article.
  2. Click on the blue "Publish changes" button.

Final steps


If you have followed all the instructions in this guideline, your article is now almost ready.

Look at your article, it will display species with a blue link (articles with these titles already exist) or with a red link (articles with these titles don't exist yet).

Redirecting to existing pages


Some of the red linked names in your table may have an article entitled e.g. with the vernacular name in your language (e.g. Golden wreath wattle for Acacia saligna).

To check this, you should copy the Scientific name (e.g. Acacia saligna) and paste it in the search field of your Wikipedia at the top right section of the web page. If search results come up with a page entitled with the "vernacular name in your language", then:

  1. create a new page entitled "Acacia saligna"
  2. click on "Advanced" in the menu of the empty editor window, a second line of menu items will appear
  3. click on the second last item of the second line name "Redirect", this will insert the following code into your page:
#REDIRECT [[Target page name]]
  1. Replace the Target page name with the title of the existing article you wish to redirect to.
  2. Click on the blue "Publish changes" button.
  3. Refresh your article by clicking on the "Article" tab on the top left.

Now you will see that the red linked species now has a blue link to an existing page.

Add Categories


You may add Categories in your language at the bottom of the code, e.g.:

[[Category:Invasive animal species in Europe]]
[[Category:Invasive plant species in Europe]]
[[Category:European Union law]]
[[Category:Lists of invasive species]]

You can find such categories by looking up the English ones (click on a category on the English page) and checking if there is a corresponding category in the Wikipedia in your language.

Tell us about your translation


Please insert a link to your translated page in the following WikiThon page, so that all participants can see which languages are already implemented.