This is an archive of a list of "missing" topics in mathematics. Notability should be established independently before articles are created.
See also: User:Mathbot/Changes to mathlists.
- Maths1 0 - Ano
- Maths2 Ant - Bel
- Maths3 Ber - Bro
- Maths4 Bru - Cha
- Maths5 Che - Com
- Maths6 Con - Cub
- Maths7 Cur - Din
- Maths8 Dio - Ele
- Maths9 Ell - Ext
- Maths10 Fab - Fre
- Maths11 Fro - Gor
- Maths12 Gra - Hep
- Maths13 Her - Ima
- Maths14 Imb - Ite
- Maths15 Jac - Lac
- Maths16 Lag - Lin
- Maths17 Lio - Mas
- Maths18 Mat - Mov
- Maths19 Muk - Nos
- Maths20 NRo - Pap
- Maths21 Par - Poi
- Maths22 Pol - Pur
- Maths23 Pyt - Ref
- Maths24 Reg - Saw
- Maths25 Sch - Sim
- Maths26 Sin - Squ
- Maths27 Sta - Tac
- Maths28 TAK - Tre
- Maths29 Tri - Vir
- Maths30 Vit - Zö
- Bluelinks: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (entries removed from the above lists because they exist on Wikipedia)
- Sources for the lists: MathWorld, Springer Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Charles Matthews' maths lists, St Andrew's, PlanetMath.
edit- NRoots possibly Nroots (wikisearch; web; books)
- NSW Number possibly Nsw number or NSW number (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nu Function possibly Nu function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nuclear bilinear form (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nuclear norm (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nucleolus of a game (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nugatory Crossing possibly Nugatory crossing (wikisearch; web; books)
- Null object of a category (wikisearch; web; books)
- Null Tetrad possibly Null tetrad (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nullhomotopic map (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Field Order possibly Number field order (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Field Signature possibly Number field signature (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Group possibly Number group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Guessing possibly Number guessing (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Number Length possibly Number length (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number of ultrafilters (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Pattern possibly Number pattern (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Picking possibly Number picking (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Pyramid possibly Number pyramid (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Shape possibly Number shape (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Theoretic Character possibly Number theoretic character (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Theoretic Function possibly Number theoretic function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number theory, probabilistic methods in possibly Probabilistic methods in number theory or Probabilistic methods in Number theory (wikisearch; web; books)
- Number Wall possibly Number wall (wikisearch; web; books)
- Numbers, representations of possibly Representations of numbers or Representations of Numbers (wikisearch; web; books)
- Numerable set (wikisearch; web; books)
- Nuttall Q-Function possibly Nuttall q-function or Nuttall Q-function (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- O-direct union (wikisearch; web; books)
- O-distribution (wikisearch; web; books)
- O-group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations possibly Oberbeck-boussinesq equations (wikisearch; web; books)
- Object in a category (wikisearch; web; books)
- Object, geometric possibly Geometric object or Geometric Object (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblate Spheroid Geodesic possibly Oblate spheroid geodesic (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblate Spheroidal Wave Function possibly Oblate spheroidal wave function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblique Coordinate System possibly Oblique coordinate system (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblique Coordinates possibly Oblique coordinates (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblique Cylinder possibly Oblique cylinder (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblique derivative (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblique Prism possibly Oblique prism (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oblique Triangle possibly Oblique triangle (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Obstacle scattering (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oceanology, mathematical problems in possibly Mathematical problems in oceanology or Mathematical problems in Oceanology (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ochoa Curve possibly Ochoa curve (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ockham Algebra possibly Ockham algebra (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octacode (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octagonal Heptagonal Number possibly Octagonal heptagonal number (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octagonal Hexagonal Number possibly Octagonal hexagonal number (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octagonal Pentagonal Number possibly Octagonal pentagonal number (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octagonal Square Number possibly Octagonal square number (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octagonal Triangular Number possibly Octagonal triangular number (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedral Equation possibly Octahedral equation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedral space (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron 10-Compound possibly Octahedron 10-compound (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron 2-Compound possibly Octahedron 2-compound (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Octahedron 3-Compound possibly Octahedron 3-compound (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron 4-Compound possibly Octahedron 4-compound (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron 5-Compound possibly Octahedron 5-compound (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron 6-Compound possibly Octahedron 6-compound (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron Stellation possibly Octahedron stellation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octahedron Tetrahedron Picking possibly Octahedron tetrahedron picking (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octatetracontagon (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octiamond Tiling possibly Octiamond tiling (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octic Reciprocity Theorem possibly Octic reciprocity theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Octic Surface possibly Octic surface (wikisearch; web; books)
- Odd Divisor Function possibly Odd divisor function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Odd Graph possibly Odd graph (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Odd Part possibly Odd part (wikisearch; web; books)
- Odd Power possibly Odd power (wikisearch; web; books)
- Odd Sequence possibly Odd sequence (wikisearch; web; books)
- Odd Triple possibly Odd triple (wikisearch; web; books)
- Odlyzko bounds (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oesterlé-Masser Conjecture possibly Oesterlé-Masser conjecture or Oesterlé-masser conjecture (wikisearch; web; books)
- Of Order possibly Of order (wikisearch; web; books)
- Of Shape possibly Of shape (wikisearch; web; books)
- Offset Curves possibly Offset curves (wikisearch; web; books)
- Offset Rings possibly Offset rings (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oka theorems (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Oldknow Points possibly Oldknow points (wikisearch; web; books)
- Olevskii transform (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oligomorphic permutation group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oliveira's Minimal Surface possibly Oliveira's minimal surface (wikisearch; web; books)
- Omega-completeness (wikisearch; web; books)
- Omega-squared distribution (wikisearch; web; books)
- Omega2 Constant possibly Omega2 constant (wikisearch; web; books)
- Omnific Integer possibly Omnific integer (wikisearch; web; books)
- One hundred sixty-three (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-dimensional manifold (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-factor (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-line notation for permutations (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-Max Property possibly One-max property or One-Max property (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-Mouth Theorem possibly One-mouth theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-Ninth Constant possibly One-ninth constant (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- One-One Complete possibly One-one complete (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-parameter semi-group (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-parameter transformation group (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-Seventh Ellipse possibly One-seventh ellipse (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-sided and two-sided surfaces (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-sided normality of subsemigroup (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-Term Relation possibly One-term relation (wikisearch; web; books)
- One-to-one function from onto function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Only Critical Point in Town Test possibly Only critical point in town test (wikisearch; web; books)
- Onsager Differential Equation possibly Onsager differential equation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Open Manifold possibly Open manifold (wikisearch; web; books)
- Open Sentential Formula possibly Open sentential formula (wikisearch; web; books)
- Opening Angle possibly Opening angle (wikisearch; web; books)
- OpenPFGW possibly Openpfgw (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Operational Mathematics possibly Operational mathematics (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operations on consequence operators (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operations on distributions (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operations on relations (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator Calculus possibly Operator calculus (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator colligation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator ergodic theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator homomorphism (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator monotone (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator vessel (wikisearch; web; books)
- Operator-irreducible representation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ophiuride (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Opposite polynomial (wikisearch; web; books)
- Opposite Side possibly Opposite side (wikisearch; web; books)
- Opposition involution (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optical length (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal decoding (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal guarantee strategy (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal programming control (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal quadrature (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal singular regime (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal sliding regime (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal synthesis control (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimal trajectory (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimality principle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimality, sufficient conditions for possibly Sufficient conditions for optimality or Sufficient conditions for Optimality (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optimization of a computational method (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Optimization of computational algorithms (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optional random process (wikisearch; web; books)
- Optional sigma-algebra (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orbifold Notation possibly Orbifold notation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orbit stability (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orchard Problem possibly Orchard problem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orchard Visibility Problem possibly Orchard visibility problem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order (of a graph) (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order (of a ring) (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order (on a set) (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order in an algebra (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order of a compound asymptotic (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order of a profinite group (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Order of an elliptic function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order of contact (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order of elements in finite groups (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order of factors in infinite product (wikisearch; web; books)
- Order valuation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orderable group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered Factorization possibly Ordered factorization (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered groupoid (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered Pairs Representation possibly Ordered pairs representation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered semi-group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered space (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered sum (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordered Tree possibly Ordered tree (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Ordering Axioms possibly Ordering axioms (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orderless (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orders in a number field (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orders of elements in integral domain (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinal Comparison possibly Ordinal comparison (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Differential Equation Order possibly Ordinary differential equation order (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Differential Equation System with Constant Coefficients possibly Ordinary differential equation system with constant coefficients or Ordinary differential equation System with constant coefficients (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Double Point possibly Ordinary double point (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Line possibly Ordinary line (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Point possibly Ordinary point (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Surface possibly Ordinary surface (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ordinary Topology possibly Ordinary topology (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ore Algebra possibly Ore algebra (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ore Graph possibly Ore graph (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ore's Conjecture possibly Ore's conjecture (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Orientable fibration (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orientation (complex analysis) (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orientation class (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oriented cobordism (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oriented cobordism ring (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oriented Knot possibly Oriented knot (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oriented Link possibly Oriented link (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oriented Tree possibly Oriented tree (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orientifold string theory (wikisearch; web; books)
- Original Triangle possibly Original triangle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Origins of Wedderburn's theorem possibly Origins of wedderburn's theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orlicz class (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orlicz-Lorentz space possibly Orlicz-lorentz space (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ornstein-Chacon ergodic theorem possibly Ornstein-chacon ergodic theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Orr's Theorem possibly Orr's theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orr-Sommerfeld Differential Equation possibly Orr-sommerfeld differential equation or Orr-Sommerfeld differential equation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthic Axis possibly Orthic axis (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthic Inconic possibly Orthic inconic (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthobicupola (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthobirotunda (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocentric Centroid possibly Orthocentric centroid (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocentric Coordinates possibly Orthocentric coordinates (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocentric Line possibly Orthocentric line (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocentric Quadrangle possibly Orthocentric quadrangle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocentric Quadrilateral possibly Orthocentric quadrilateral (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocentroidal Circle possibly Orthocentroidal circle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocorrespondent (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocubic (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthocupolarotunda (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Orthodiagonal Quadrangle possibly Orthodiagonal quadrangle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Circles possibly Orthogonal circles (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Coordinate System possibly Orthogonal coordinate system (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Curves possibly Orthogonal curves (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Decomposition possibly Orthogonal decomposition (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal direct sum (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal double-sweep method (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal factorization system in a category (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Group Representations possibly Orthogonal group representations (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Involution possibly Orthogonal involution (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Lie Algebra possibly Orthogonal lie algebra or Orthogonal Lie algebra (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Lines possibly Orthogonal lines (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal net (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal polynomials on a complex domain (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Rotation Group possibly Orthogonal rotation group (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Orthogonal series (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Sum possibly Orthogonal sum (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Surfaces possibly Orthogonal surfaces (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonal Tensors possibly Orthogonal tensors (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonality Condition possibly Orthogonality condition (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonalization method (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthogonalization of a system of functions (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthoharmonic (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthojoin (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthologic Triangles possibly Orthologic triangles (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthology Center possibly Orthology center (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthomorphic Projection possibly Orthomorphic projection (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthonormal Functions possibly Orthonormal functions (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthonormal system (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Orthopolar Line possibly Orthopolar line (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthoptic Circle of the Steiner Inellipse possibly Orthoptic circle of the Steiner Inellipse or Orthoptic circle of the steiner inellipse (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthoptic Curve possibly Orthoptic curve (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthosymmetric Matrix possibly Orthosymmetric matrix (wikisearch; web; books)
- Orthotransversal (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillating Function possibly Oscillating function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillating integral (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillating kernel (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillating matrix (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillating solution (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillation Land possibly Oscillation land (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillation of a function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillations, theory of possibly Theory of oscillations or Theory of Oscillations (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oscillatory Function possibly Oscillatory function (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Osculating Interpolation possibly Osculating interpolation (wikisearch; web; books)
- Osculating paraboloid (wikisearch; web; books)
- Osculating quadric (wikisearch; web; books)
- Osculating Sphere possibly Osculating sphere (wikisearch; web; books)
- Osedelec Theorem possibly Osedelec theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Osserman conjecture (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ostrogradski formula (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ostrogradski method (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ostrogradski-Liouville formula possibly Ostrogradski-liouville formula (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ostrowski's Inequality possibly Ostrowski's inequality (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ostrowski's valuation theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Otter's Theorem possibly Otter's theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Ouchi Illusion possibly Ouchi illusion (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Oudor (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oui-Ja Board Curve possibly Oui-ja board curve or Oui-Ja board curve (wikisearch; web; books)
- Out-Shuffle possibly Out-shuffle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Inscribed Squares Triangle possibly Outer inscribed squares triangle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer multiplication (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Napoleon Circle possibly Outer napoleon circle or Outer Napoleon circle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Napoleon Point possibly Outer napoleon point or Outer Napoleon point (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Napoleon Triangle possibly Outer napoleon triangle or Outer Napoleon triangle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Pentagon Point possibly Outer pentagon point (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Quermass possibly Outer quermass (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Soddy Center possibly Outer soddy center or Outer Soddy center (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Soddy Circle possibly Outer soddy circle or Outer Soddy circle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Vecten Circle possibly Outer vecten circle or Outer Vecten circle (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Vecten Point possibly Outer vecten point or Outer Vecten point (wikisearch; web; books)
- Outer Vecten Triangle possibly Outer vecten triangle or Outer Vecten triangle (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Output controllability (wikisearch; web; books)
- Oval of Descartes possibly Oval of descartes (wikisearch; web; books)
- Over-convergence (wikisearch; web; books)
- Overcomplete System possibly Overcomplete system (wikisearch; web; books)
- Overlapfree Word possibly Overlapfree word (wikisearch; web; books)
- Overlapping Rectangles possibly Overlapping rectangles (wikisearch; web; books)
- Overlapping Resonance Method possibly Overlapping resonance method (wikisearch; web; books)
- P test (wikisearch; web; books)
- (p,q) unshuffle (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-adic analytic (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-adic canonical form (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-adic cyclotomic character (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-adic exponential and p-adic logarithm (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- P-adic regulator (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Circle possibly P-circle (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Elementary Subgroup possibly P-elementary subgroup (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-extension (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Good Path possibly P-good path (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Layer possibly P-layer (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-part of a group element of finite order (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-point (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Polynomial possibly P-polynomial (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-primary component (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Problem possibly P-problem (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- P-rank (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-ring (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Sasakian manifold possibly P-sasakian manifold (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-separable group (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Signature possibly P-signature (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-solvable group (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-subgroup (wikisearch; web; books)
- P-Symbol possibly P-symbol (wikisearch; web; books)
- Padé Conjecture possibly Padé conjecture (wikisearch; web; books)
- Page theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Painlevé function (wikisearch; web; books)
- Painlevé problem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Painlevé test (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Painlevé theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Painlevé-type equations (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pair Group possibly Pair group (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pair Groupoid possibly Pair groupoid (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pair Sum possibly Pair sum (wikisearch; web; books)
- Paired comparison model (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pairwise balanced design (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pairwise comaximal ideals property (wikisearch; web; books)
- Palais theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Paley Class possibly Paley class (wikisearch; web; books)
- Paley-Weiner space possibly Paley-weiner space (wikisearch; web; books)
- Palindromic Number Conjecture possibly Palindromic number conjecture (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pancake Cutting possibly Pancake cutting (wikisearch; web; books)
edit- Pandiagonal Perfect Magic Cube possibly Pandiagonal perfect magic cube (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pandiagonal Semiperfect Magic Cube possibly Pandiagonal semiperfect magic cube (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pandiagonal Square possibly Pandiagonal square (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pandigital Fraction possibly Pandigital fraction (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pap adjoint theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pappus axiom (wikisearch; web; books)
- Pappus's Harmonic Theorem possibly Pappus's harmonic theorem (wikisearch; web; books)
- Paquerette de Mélibée possibly Paquerette de mélibée or Paquerette de méLibée (wikisearch; web; books)