This policy derives from Non-disclosure agreement, called NDA in the following description.

Basically an NDA is included into knowledge compilations, for instance intend for commercial, technical work, to ensure production flow.

Additional reasons can be means of national security etc.

Wikipedia articles are not allowed to link to internet addresses, which contain data protected by NDA.

This especially applies, if the requirement of Non-Disclosure is righteous, means in the interest of the public.

Wikipedia articles cannot contain meaningful excerpts from data protected by an NDA agreement.

No matter where the data was found, decision making is the original act of NDA between issuer of the data, and receiver of the data. This original receiver is required to keep up the NDA. Failure to do so, or leak of data does not legalize to include this data on wikipedia.

GFDL does not whitewash information protected by NDA.


Links to websites obviously violating an NDA must be removed. If the link is required to secure freedom of information, then it must be tagged with a warning message, that the information only must be used for informative purpose (and, i.e. not to derive projects from it).

Excerpts from data compilations, which are protected by an NDA, must be removed/edited to fulfill the original NDA, in the case they are recognized as such.

The reason for this policy is that Wikipedia has an interest to fulfill the law, even if it is not censored, means Wikipedia i.g. stands for a term called freedom of information. However, NDA's have a commercial/security background, and are taken very seriously by the productive sector.

A literal transcription of data does not necessarily violate an NDA. Doing so, it is advised to describe what is it, but not to include too much details.

too much details means if the article becomes exchangeable, or, in combination with other articles, becomes exchangeable with a data compilation protected by an NDA.

How to recognize an NDA


Commonly, if a data compilation is stamped confidential, it means the orignal receiver has signed a NDA with the issuer.

---end of policy

Reason of creating this proposal


To have a policy to handle links to hacker sites. Such information is no good for serious careers; any project derived from it won't attract good luck. (speaking from own experience).