This looks to be very close to being ready for FAC. Think it's best to give it a PR first though.Buc 19:06, 27 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A few points:

  • The sections from After football onward need work. The After football section is currently a list of unconnected facts, rather than a descriptive account of Pele's activities since the end of his playing career. The Trivia section should be removed, and the recently added Fashion section has a whiff of spam about it. The Acting section should have an element of prose rather than being a pure list with no context.

*I suspect that some of the unofficial tournaments listed in the Honours section were minor pre-season or exhibition tournaments which need not be listed.

  • The sections covering his club career should probably be expanded - it jumps from 1962 to 1969. I know the article is already 42k, but this figure is distorted by the goals table and footnotes.

Hope this helps. Oldelpaso 19:37, 27 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]