Wikipedia:Requests for feedback/2010 September 9
Hi, this is the first of several television articles I plan to write, and was looking for feedback on the page. Thanks! I was also hoping someone could verify the page. Mr. Menon is the creator of America's Prom Queen and a legendary award-winning ad man.
Mack McCarter is the founder and Coordinator of Community Renewal International, Inc., a faith-based non-profit organization focused on developing and deploying a social technology to systematically grow human capital essential for communities to become sustainable.
We're hoping to put together the CRI article in full next.
I have finished writing and editing my piece on Ken Costello. All the links are working and the text is verified by a professional journalist. Now, how do I make it go live?
I welcome any constructive feedback about my work creating the Rochester General Health System Wikipage.
hey i have just made this article but need some more info added it is about N-Dudz's newest single Best Behaviour as i realised there wasn't a wiki page on here about it. Any constructive input welcome!
p1ease review .its the topic abtthe footba11 1eague p1ayed in mumbai Yucatans (talk) 17:07, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
Hi, just need someone to verify the page. SSLearn was verified and approved by Brandon Hall in their 2010 Low Cost Learning Management Systems report.