Wikipedia:RfC/User names/Institutional memory

This page exists to preserve "institutional memory" in Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names, by listing the actual decisions on usernames brought up as possible violations of Wikipedia:Username policy, by reason. These entries are selected from Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names/Archive.

Wikipedia terms


Usernames that contain profanity, obscenities, or other potentially offensive language


Usernames that refer to or allude to reproductive or excretory functions of the body


Usernames mentioning or referring to illnesses, disabilities, or conditions


Usernames that are recognized as slurs or insults


Names of religious figures

  • Policy wording: "Usernames which consist primarily of the name of a religious figure (such as "God", "Jehovah", "Buddha", or "Allah") are prohibited. In addition, usernames that invoke the name of a religious figure or religion are prohibited should they be distasteful, provoke or promote intolerance, are blatantly disrespectful of the religion, or promote the ideology that one religion is superior to others (e.g. "ChristOnly", etc.). Usernames that are clearly expressions of faith are discouraged, however considered allowed unless disruptive. Should a username not be clear as to the motive, it may be reviewed." (note varied interpretations below)