Human characters on Sesame Street, a children's television program, appear together with the program's Muppet characters despite the advice that the producers received prior to the 1969 premiere from child psychologists who were concerned that children would be confused by human-Muppet interactions. The producers defied the recommendations of their advisers because researchers found that, although children's attention was high during the Muppet segments, their interest wavered when there were only humans on screen. The original cast, chosen by producer Jon Stone, consisted of four human actors—Matt Robinson, who played Gordon; Loretta Long, who played Gordon's wife, Susan; Will Lee, who played Mr. Hooper; and Bob McGrath (pictured), who played Bob. Unlike most children's television programs at the time, the producers of Sesame Street decided against using a single host and cast a group of ethnically diverse actors. Most of the initial cast and crew found jobs on Sesame Street through personal relationships with Stone and the other producers. (Full list...)