
This is a bug template based off {{Tracked}}, but modified for usage on the Ultraviolet talkpage.



Sample output:

Your software is broken. It doesn't even work on Windows 10. When I try to load it, Bill Gates appears on my screen and laughs manically. --Dogmaster3000 01:17, 14 December 2011 (PST)

Setting the issue number to X will hide the issue number entirely.



The state result controls the current state of the issue being tracked. This is equivalent to the project labels.

Value Result
done, fixed, resolved resultdone
nma, next major update, major, next update resultnext major update
invalid resultinvalid
declined, nofix, won't fix, wontfix resultwon't fix
backlog, stalled, later statebacklog
do, doing statedoing
info, needs more info stateneeds more info
waiting, patching stateawaiting revision
partial, halfdone, partially done statepartially done
think about, maybe statethink about
default, to do, open stateto do



Adds a label representing the issue's priority.

Value Result
default, 0, unknown, triage priorityneeds triage
1, mild prioritymild
2, medium prioritymedium
3, severe prioritysevere
p1, low, plow prioritylow
p2, medium2, pmedium prioritymedium
p3, high, phigh priorityhigh



Adds a label representing the issue type.

Value Result
default, issue, bug, problem typebug
suggestion, feature, request typefeature



Adds a compat label.



The assignee is the user responsible for the issue. This may be supplied standalone (which results in a non-formatted string), or can be substituted with assignee-user and the optional assignee-gitlab parameters. If assignee-user is supplied, it takes priority over assignee.

assignee assignee-user assignee-gitlab assignee-wmgl Result
Example Example
Example Example
Example no output
UserName Example Example
Example Example Example (GitLab)
TestUser Example Example Example (GitLab)
Example Example Example (WM GitLab)
Example Example no output
UserName Example Example Example (WM GitLab)
Example Example Example Example (WM GitLab, GitLab)
TestUser Example Example Example Example (WM GitLab, GitLab)



The updated parameter simply adds a note at the end of the box specifying the time that the box was last updated. This should be the value of ~~~~~.