Wikipedia:United States Education Program/Poverty Justice and Human Capabilities (Kimberly Hoang)/Workshop entry

Peer Workshop Exchange Due: Friday, October 26th 5:00pm

  1. If you have made any changes to your page since your initial contribution on Tuesday, October 23rd, upload your revised page to OWL-Space by either 1) taking screenshots of all sections that you have edited, copying these into a Word document, and saving as a PDF or 2) creating a PDF of your entire page and highlighting the changes you have made. Submit your PDF and outline to the relevant assignment tab on OWL-Space. For full credit, the files you submit must be labeled as follows: <LastName>RevisedWorkshopContribution.pdf

If you have multiple PDFs, label each file as follows: <LastName>Revised WorkshopContribution1.pdf; <LastName>Revised WorkshopContribution2.pdf, etc.

NOTE: you are not required to have made changes at this stage. If, however, you have made changes since your initial contribution (perhaps in response to another editors’ comments), this is an opportunity for you to track these changes and share with your peer review group. You do not need to re-upload to OWL-Space if you have not made changes.

  1. For full credit, e-mail PDF copies of either your <LastName>IntialContribution.pdf (if no changes since Tuesday) or your updated version <LastName>RevisedWorkshopContribution.pdf to your peer review group members by Friday, October 26th at 5:00pm.

    • Please note that OWL-Space limits the number of attachments to 4, so if you have more than 4 please use the additional assignment space on OWL-Space titled “Contribution for Workshop: Extra Attachments.”