Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/12

Teologi og Religionsvidenskab

! Journal ISSN
0364-0094 A J S Review
1570-1980 Academia Biblica
1015-8758 Acta Theologica
0856-0048 Africa Theological Journal
0931-4296 Alter Orient und Altes Testament
0002-7189 American Academy of Religion. Journal
0253-1593 Analecta Cartusiana
1871-6636 Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
1566-7952 Ancient Magic and Divination
1477-8351 Aramaic Studies
0170-8856 Arbeiten zum Neuen Testament und Judentum
1570-5986 Archaeology and Biblical Studies
Archaeus. Studies in History of Religions
0066-6386 Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft
0003-9381 Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte
1436-3038 Archiv für Religionsgeschichte
0084-6724 Archiv für Religionspsychologie
0335-5985 Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions
1567-9896 Aries
1871-1405 Aries Book Series
0004-8003 Augustiniana
Aura. Tidskrift för akademiska studier av nye religiösa rörelser
1031-2943 Australian Religion Studies Review
Bandue. Revista de la sociedad española de ciencias de las religiones
1832-3391 Bible and Critical Theory
1542-1295 Bible in Ancient Christianity
0006-0887 Biblica
1874-3927 Biblical Encyclopedia
0927-2569 Biblical Interpretation
0928-0731 Biblical Interpretation Series
0146-1079 Biblical Theology Bulletin
0006-2014 Biblische Zeitschrift
0520-5670 Bonner biblische Beiträge
1874-6691 Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion
1571-5000 Brill Reference Library of Judaism
1871-6377 Brill's Companion to the Christian Tradition
1572-4107 Brill's Series in Church History
0926-2261 Brill's Series in Jewish Studies
0141-6200 British Journal of Religious Education
0882-0945 Buddhist -Christian Studies
0007-4322 Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique
0108-4453 Chaos
0009-6407 Church History
1871-241X Church History and Religious Culture
0010-5236 Concilium
0038-8610 Concordia Theological Quarterly
1463-9947 Contemporary Buddhism
1541-163X Coptica
1475-5610 Culture and Religion
0105-3191 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift
0929-0761 Dead Sea Discoveries
0341-0137 Deutsche Morgenlaendische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift
0012-2033 Dialog (St Paul)
1501-9934 Din
0967-8948 Diskus
0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist
0013-0796 Ecumenical Review
1084-7561 Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
1389-1189 Empirical Studies in Theology
1523-1224 Esoterica
0014-2239 Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses
1842-8517 European Journal of Science and Theology
0360-8808 Evangelical Theological Society. Journal
0014-3502 Evangelische Theologie
0166-2740 Exchange
1743-0615 Fieldwork in Religion
0016-0725 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie
0800-6857 Halvårsskrift for praktisk teologi
0017-8160 Harvard Theological Review
1381-2564 Hebrew Language and Literature Series
0360-9049 Hebrew Union College Annual
0393-6805 Henoch
0018-215X Hispania Sacra
1874-3935 History of Biblical Studies
1570-7350 History of Christian-Muslim Relations
0018-2710 History of Religions
0360-9669 Horizons (Villanova)
0195-9085 Horizons in Biblical Theology
1570-1581 I J S Studies in Judaica
0942-4822 Informationes Theologiae Europae
0193-600X International Association of Buddhist Studies. Journal
1550-6363 International Association of Tibetan Studies. Journal
0272-6122 International Bulletin of Missionary Research
0020-7047 International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
1050-8619 International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
1474-225X International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church
1598-7914 International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture
1022-4556 International Journal of Hindu Studies
1430-6921 International Journal of Practical Theology
1872-5171 International Journal of Public Theology
1463-1652 International Journal of Systematic Theology
0145-3890 International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Bulletin
0074-9745 International Review of Biblical Studies
0020-8582 International Review of Mission
0021-1818 Islam
0959-6410 Islam and Christian -Muslim Relations
0304-1042 Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
0448-8954 Japanese Religions
0334-4118 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
1570-078X Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture
1388-2074 Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series
0021-6682 Jewish Quarterly Review
0021-6704 Jewish Social Studies
0947-6091 Jiddistik Mitteilungen
1087-1624 Journal for Christian Theological Research
1530-5228 Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory
0021-8294 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
0047-2212 Journal for the Study of Judaism
1384-2161 Journal for the Study of Judaism. Supplement
1011-7601 Journal for the Study of Religion
1749-4907 Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
1583-0039 Journal for the Study of Religious and Ideologies
0142-064X Journal for the Study of the New Testament
0309-0892 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
0951-8207 Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
1569-2116 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions
0021-9231 Journal of Biblical Literature
1076-9005 Journal of Buddhist Ethics
0021-969X Journal of Church and State
1353-7903 Journal of Contemporary Religion
1016-5584 Journal of Coptic Studies
1067-6341 Journal of Early Christian Studies
1783-1555 Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
0022-0469 Journal of Ecclesiastical History
0022-0558 Journal of Ecumenical Studies
1366-5456 Journal of Education & Christian Belief
0922-2936 Journal of Empirical Theology
8755-4178 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
1527-6457 Journal of Global Buddhism
1203-1542 Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
0955-2340 Journal of Islamic Studies
0022-2097 Journal of Jewish Studies
1873-9008 Journal of Jewish Though and Philosophy. Supplements
1360-2004 Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
0966-7369 Journal of Pentecostal Theology
1521-9216 Journal of Presbyterian History
0091-6471 Journal of Psychology and Theology
1465-3591 Journal of Qur'anic Studies
0022-4189 Journal of Religion
1521-1037 Journal of Religion & Abuse
1703-289X Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
1522-5658 Journal of Religion and Society
0022-4200 Journal of Religion in Africa
1874-8910 Journal of Religion in Europe
1522-8967 Journal of Religion, Disability & Health
1552-8030 Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging
1442-018X Journal of Religious Education
0384-9694 Journal of Religious Ethics
0022-4227 Journal of Religious History
0890-1112 Journal of Ritual Studies
1094-5253 Journal of Southern Religion
0022-5185 Journal of Theological Studies
0047-2867 Journal of Theology for Southern Africa
1741-0819 Journal of Youth and Theology
0022-572X Judaica
0022-5762 Judaism
0023-0707 Kerygma und Dogma
0932-9951 Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte
0085-2619 Kyrkohistorisk Aarsskrift
1236-584X Käytännöllisen teologian laitoksen julkaisuja / Publications of the Department of Practical Theology
0023-9054 Laval Theologique et Philosophique
0269-1205 Literature and Theology
0458-063X Liturgy
1091-6687 Logos (St. Paul)
0024-7499 Lutheran Quarterly
0342-0914 Lutherjahrbuch
1612-2941 Marburg Journal of Religion
0950-3110 Masaq
1572-6991 Medieval Franciscans
1366-0691 Medieval Sermon Studies
0943-3058 Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
0091-8296 Missiology
0168-9789 Mission Studies
0256-9507 Missionalia
0276-1114 Modern Judaism
0266-7177 Modern Theology
0047-8105 Moreana
1570-7571 Muslim Minorities
0027-4909 Muslim World
0929-2470 Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
0028-3517 Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
1570-5994 New Testament in the Greek Fathers
0028-6885 New Testament Studies
0077-8842 New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents
0809-7291 Nordic Journal of Religion and Society
0348-1646 Nordisk judaistik -Scandinavian Jewish Studies
0029-2176 Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift
1504-6605 Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjonsvitenskap
1094-902X North Star (Rochester)
1092-6690 Nova Religio
0048-1009 Novum Testamentum
0167-9732 Novum Testamentum. Supplements
0029-5973 Numen
1570-9434 Numen Book Series
1010-9919 Old Testament Essays
1015-1850 Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis
0030-5375 Orientalia Christiana Periodica
0169-7226 Oudtestamentische Studien
0272-8710 P M R Conference. Proceedings
0937-8219 Panorama : International Journal of Comparative Religious Education and Values
1568-3443 Pericope
1529-1634 Philosophia Christi. Series 2
1462-317X Political Theology
1528-0268 Pomegranate
0743-782X Proverbium
0774-5524 Questions Liturgiques
0907-2160 Rambam
0484-0887 Recherches Augustiniennes
1210-3640 Religio
0048-721X Religion
1052-1151 Religion and American Culture
0888-3769 Religion and Literature
1079-9265 Religion and the Arts
1542-1279 Religion in the Americas Series
0963-7494 Religion, State and Society
0927-7633 Religions in the Graeco-Roman World
0780-1270 Religionsvetenskapliga Skrifter
0108-1993 Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift
0034-4087 Religious Education
0034-4125 Religious Studies
1046-8064 Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion
1568-4857 Review of Rabbinic Judaism
0034-673X Review of Religious Research
1222-9695 Revista Teologica
1016-2461 Revue Africaine de Theologie
0035-1423 Revue de l'Histoire des Religions
0035-1725 Revue de Qumran
1768-9260 Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques
0484-8616 Revue des Etudes Juives
0035-2381 Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique
0080-2654 Revue Theologique de Louvain
0035-6573 Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa
0901-8328 Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
0036-9306 Scottish Journal of Theology
0254-1807 Scriptura
0037-0894 Sefarad
1567-200X Semeia Studies
1059-9576 Sewanee Theological Review
0882-8539 Shofar (Ashland)
0144-8722 Sobornost
0037-7686 Social Compass
1874-8937 Social Sciences and Missions
1540-7942 Society of Christian Ethics. Journal
1069-4404 Sociology of Religion
0169-8125 Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha
0039-3207 Studia Liturgica
0039-3258 Studia Monastica
0161-7222 Studia Mystica
0585-542X Studia Patristica
1781-7838 Studia Rosenthaliana
0039-338X Studia Theologica
1611-0080 Studien Zur Aussereuropaischen Christentumsgeschichte (Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika)
0953-9468 Studies in Christian Ethics
0924-9389 Studies in Christian Mission
0926-2326 Studies in Interreligious Dialogue
1874-9895 Studies in Jewish History and Culture
0008-4298 Studies in Religion
1871-7829 Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights
0926-6453 Studies in Spirituality
1570-1336 Studies in the Aramaic Interpretation of Scripture
1573-5664 Studies in the History of Christian Traditions
1354-9901 Studies in World Christianity
1873-9229 Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations
0169-9814 Studies of Religion in Africa
0169-9962 Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah
1100-2298 Svensk Exegetisk Aarsbok
0346-217X Svensk Missionstidskrift
0283-0302 Svensk Religionshistorisk Aarsskrift
0039-6761 Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift
1089-7747 T C
1368-4868 Teaching Theology and Religion
0497-1817 Temenos
0721-8753 Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum
1388-3909 Themes in Biblical Narrative
1389-823X Themes in Islamic Studies
0040-5639 Theological Studies
0342-2372 Theologische Beitraege
0040-5671 Theologische Literaturzeitung
0040-5698 Theologische Rundschau
1901-9580 Tidsskrift for Islamforskning
0809-4772 Tidsskrift for Kirke -Religion -Samfunn, Tilleggshefte
0333-3388 Tidsskrift for sjelesorg
0040-7194 Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke
0041-0608 Tradition (New York)
0041-2945 Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift
0342-2410 Verkuendigung und Forschung
0042-4935 Vetus Testamentum
0083-5889 Vetus Testamentum. Supplements
0042-6032 Vigiliae Christianae
0920-623X Vigiliae Christianae. Supplement
0043-2539 Welt des Islams
0512-1604 Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
0340-9570 Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe
1363-5247 Worldviews
0943-8610 Z f R
0932-4461 Zeitschrift für Althebraistik
0949-9571 Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum
0169-7536 Zeitschrift für Dialektische Theologie
0044-2526 Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
0934-2575 Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Beihefte
0044-2615 Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Aelteren Kirche
0171-6441 Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Aelteren Kirche. Beihefte
0044-2674 Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik
0044-2690 Zeitschrift für Evangelisches Kirchenrecht
0044-2925 Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
0044-3441 Zeitschrift für Religions-und Geistesgeschichte
0044-3549 Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche