Wikipedia:WikiProject Banksia/Image Id requested

Place images below this line and include as much physicla detail about the plant and the location as is possible.

The Image size should be 400px, position alternating left and right side of the page so that comments don't get confused. add <nowiki>

after each image.

example image
  • this one was growing on a standard B.menzies with other branches having the red flowers, there were 2 other flower spikes in this colour but one was bird damaged and on the ground. the Other appeared to have just fallen off when only half of the flowers had opened.
Banksia sysopia Sardonic Banksia. Almost certainly the inspiration for the Banksia Man
  • I imagine that a flowering example would be helpful, it might not be around for that. Descr. 9 feet high and across, sprawling habit, leaves very pale underneath, bright green above, margin as shown, single leaves at the middle branches, strongly 'fanned' at the ends. Branches smooth to slightly 'textured'. Habitat, white sand, on an old dune, near a wetland, 5km from the coast. Some red gunk, that might properly be called tomentosum, was on a couple of branches. The only Banksia in the immediate location, enigmatically named "revegetation area", near a Golf course, and a future housing development. I have two guesses and more images. Cygnis insignis 00:45, 17 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]