Wikipedia:WikiProject Comics/Color scheme

The information on this page is now deprecated.

Color scheme


For the comic_color and alliance_color parameters in {{Superherobox}} and {{Superteambox}}, and comic_color in {{Supersupportingbox}} and {{Comiccharacterbox}}, use the value from the appropriate "Color" cell in the following table.

Color scheme for Superheroboxes, Superteamboxes, Supersupportingboxes and Supercbboxes
Color Company
background:#ff8080 Marvel Comics
background:#8080ff DC Comics
background:#ff0000 British comics such as IPC Magazines or DC Thomson
background:#80ffff Dark Horse Comics
background:#ffff00 Raj Comics
background:#80ff80 Image Comics
background:#ff9900 Harvey Comics
background:#ff80ff Any Japanese publisher, such as Shueisha or Kodansha
background:#c0c0c0 Other/Defunct
Color Alliance
background:#ffc0c0 Hero
background:#c0c0ff Villain
background:#cccccc Neutral/None/Other
Color Currently being published/not being published
background:#5be85b In periodical publication
background:#ff9275 Not in periodical publication