WikiProject Food and Drink is one of the oldest WikiProjects on Wikipedia, beginning its life as the Gastronomy WikiProject in April 2003. Since that time, it has evolved into a comprehensive project covering numerous subjects and concentrations. However, it remains as an association of Wikipedians who share an interest in food and drink related matters who have come together to co-ordinate the development of these articles on Wikipedia.
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One of the major areas of focus in the task force is the listing and categorization of notable alcoholic and non-alcoholicmixed drinks (most notably "cocktails") and related drinkware). It is neither an attempt to create a bar manual (Wikibooks already has a nice bartending manual under development) nor a list of every known mixed drink on the planet. Instead, it is an attempt to create a useful, in-depth topical reference on currently and historically popular mixed drinks.
Coffee and tea
Coffee and tea are not just simple hot beverages, they are the basis for multiple aspects of global culture. Through the ancient tea cultures of Asia, to the Turkish coffee bars with their roots going back to the Ottoman Empire and continuing through to the modern western coffeehouse chains, these two drinks have greatly shaped our common history and continue affect the everyday lives of almost every person on the planet.