Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/PlanetMath Exchange/94-XX Information and communication, circuits

This page provides a list of all articles available at PlanetMath in the following topic:

94-XX Information and communication, circuits.

This list will be periodically updated. Each entry in the list has three fields:

  1. PM : The first field is the link to the PlanetMath article, along with the article's object ID.
  2. WP : The second field is either a "guessed" link to a correspondingly named Wikipedia article, produced by the script which generated the list, or one or more manually entered links to the corresponding Wikipedia articles on the subject.
  3. Status : The third field is the status field, which explains the current status of the entry. The recommended status entries are:
Status means PM article
N not needed
A adequately covered
C copied
M merged
NC needs copying
NM needs merging
  • Please update the WP and Status fields as appropriate.
  • if the WP field is correct please remove the qualifier "guess".
  • If the corresponding Wikipedia article exists, but the link to it is wrong, please fix the link.
  • If you copy or merge an article from PlanetMath, please update the WP and Status fields for that entry.
  • If you have any comments, for example, thoughts on how the PlanetMath article compares to the corresponding Wikipedia article(s), please place such comments on a new indented line following the entry. Comments of this kind are very valuable.

Don't forget to include the relevant template if you copy over text or feel like an external link is warranted

  • {{planetmath|id=|title=}} for copied over text
  • {{planetmath reference|id=|title=}} for an external link

See the main page for examples and usage criteria.

One can use the web-based program Pmform to convert PlanetMath articles to the Wikipedia format. As a side benefit, this tool will place the PlanetMath template for you.

94A08 Image processing (compression, reconstruction, etc.)


94A12 Signal theory (characterization, reconstruction, etc.)


94A17 Measures of information, entropy

Paul August 21:40, 20 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
CorbinSimpson 05:33, 21 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
CorbinSimpson 05:33, 21 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
CorbinSimpson 06:37, 21 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

94A20 Sampling theory

Paul August 02:15, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

94A24 Coding theorems (Shannon theory)


94A55 Shift register sequences and sequences over finite alphabets

Copied by Tdvance. Paul August 02:25, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

94A60 Cryptography

Paul August 03:48, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • PM: RSA, id=7025 -- WP: RSA -- Status: A
Paul August 03:50, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

94A99 Miscellaneous


94Axx Communication, information


94B05 Linear codes, general

Paul August 03:22, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Paul August 03:12, 24 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
CorbinSimpson 15:22, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

94B15 Cyclic codes

CorbinSimpson 15:14, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

94Bxx Theory of error-correcting codes and error-detecting codes


94C15 Applications of graph theory


94C99 Miscellaneous


94Cxx Circuits, networks
