Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Alabama Great Southern Railroad


The Alabama Great Southern is a corporation of the State of Alabama, having its principal office at Birmingham, Ala.

The Alabama Great Southern is controlled by the Southern Railway Company through ownership of a majority of its outstanding capital stock. On the other hand, the Alabama Great Southern controls, through ownership of its entire outstanding capital stock, the Belt Railway of Chattanooga, whose entire property it leases. It also leases for sole operation the entire property of the Chattanooga Terminal Railway.

The Alabama Great Southern also jointly controls, directly or indirectly, two railroad companies, three terminal and belt-line companies, one car-works company, and one holding company, that are all operated independently. The names of these companies, together with a statement showing how and the extent of the Alabama Great Southern's control, are given below.

Name of company How controlled Extent of
The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company. Jointly with the Southern Railway Company and The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, through The Southwestern Construction Company. Per cent
31 7/10
Woodstock & Blocton Railway Company. Jointly with the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. 50
Terminal and belt lines:
Birmingham Terminal Company. Jointly with the Central of Georgia Railway Company, the Illinois Central Railroad Company, the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, the Southern Railway Company, and the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company. 16 2/3
Chattanooga Station Company. Jointly with the Central of Georgia Railway Company, The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company, and the Southern Railway Company. 25
Meridian Terminal Company. Jointly with The Alabama and Vicksburg Railway Company, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company, and the Southern Railway Company. 20
Car-works company, Gadsden Car Works. Jointly with The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company. 50
Holding company, Southwestern Construction Company. Jointly with The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and the Southern Railway Company. 47 1/2[?]

The property of the Alabama Great Southern was operated by its own organization from December 1, 1877, the date it took over its original road for operation, until December 31, 1917. On January 1, 1918, the common-carrier property operated by it was taken over for operation by the United States Railroad Administration, which still operates it on date of valuation.


The Alabama Great Southern was incorporated November 30, 1877, under the general laws of the State of Alabama, for the purpose of acquiring the property, rights, and franchises of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company. The date of organization was November 30, 1877. Pursuant to the above purpose, the Alabama Great Southern acquired at its organization the property, rights, and franchises of that company. It also acquired by purchase the property, rights, and franchises of the Wauhatchie Extension Railway Company. The Alabama Great Southern, itself, and those corporations, together with their predecessors, total five different corporations, and comprise the line of corporate succession culminating in the Alabama Great Southern as at present constituted. The following chart shows the names of the corporations, the respective dates of incorporation, and for each predecessor the date of succession, the immediately succeeding corporation, and the manner of succession. Reference to each of these corporations is made in the last column by its respective number shown in the first column.

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. The Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company. Under general laws of Alabama, Nov. 30, 1877.
2. Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company. Under special acts of Alabama, Nov. 17, 1868; of Georgia, Mar. 20, 1869; of Tennessee, Feb. 7, 1870; and of Mississippi, May 13, 1871. Sold at foreclosure June 20, 1877, after receivership begun March, 1871, to John Swann, and acquired Nov. 30, 1877, by 1.
3. North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company. Under special acts of Alabama, Dec. 12, 1853, and of Mississippi, Feb. 27, 1854. Consolidated Nov. 18, 1868, with 4 to form 2.
4. Wills Valley Railroad Company. Under special acts of Alabama, Feb. 3, 1852; of Georgia, Jan. 31, 1854; and of Tennessee, Feb. 28, 1854. Consolidated Nov. 18, 1868, with 3 to form 2.
5. Wauhatchie Extension Railway Company. Under general laws of Tennessee, Apr. 6, 1914. Sold to 1, Feb. 2, 1917.

[the below is very roughly transcribed]

From the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company, Nov. 30, 1877
Constructed by that company, Trenton, Ga., to York, Ala., 1871 251.00
Constructed by the North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company, Meridian, Miss., to York, Ala., 1858-1860 27.00
Constructed by the Wills Valley Railroad Company, [Wauhatchie, Tenn.?], to Trenton, Ga., 1858-1860 12.00
From the Wauhatchie Extension Railway Company, Feb. 2, 1917
Constructed by that company, Wauhatchie, Tenn., to a connection with the tracks of the Memphis-Chattanooga Railway near Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 1914-1917 2[.97?]
Total recorded mileage
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 292[.97?]


The property of the Alabama Great Southern, together with the properties of others that it leases, devoted to common-carrier purposes, was taken over for operation by the United States Railroad Administration on January 1, 1918, and is so operated on date of valuation. The arrangements of the Alabama Great Southern with other carriers, in effect December 31, 1917, covering the use of joint facilities have been continued by the United States Railroad Administration during the period January 1, 1918, to date of valuation. The description of the property, the period and terms of use, and the rentals accrued and or credited to income for the year ending on date of valuation, are as follows:

Solely owned, but jointly used, used with Southern Railway Company:
Tracks 27.03 miles, York, Ala., to Meridian, Miss., and facilities appurtenant thereto; term 99 years from November, 1895; annual rental equal to interest at 5 per cent on valuation of $324,360 divided on a wheelage basis, with a minimum of $5,406, plus a proportion, on wheelage basis, of maintenance and operation $5,406.00
Station at York, Ala.; rental $13.75 per month; maintenance and operation divided on a tonnage basis 165.00
Tracks, 2.15 miles, Wauhatchie, Tenn., to Memphis-Chattanooga Railway connection; for indefinite period from May 7, 1916; stipulated payment $1,712.22 per annum; maintenance and operation divided on a fixed percentage basis 1,712.16
Tracks, 14 miles, Birmingham to Burstall, Ala.; for indefinite period from Dec. 14, 1917; stipulated payment a proportion, on car basis, of 5 per cent per annum on valuation of [?] plus improvements; maintenance, operation, and taxes divided on car basis 1,674.96
Station facilities at Attalla, Ala.; for indefinite period, terminable on six months' notice; stipulated payment a proportion, on car basis, of 5 per cent on valuation of $238,406.74; maintenance, operation, and taxes divided on tonnage basis 384.55
Solely owned, but not used, leased to—
Woodstock & Blocton Railway Company, 89.16 tons of relay rail and fastenings, at Blocton, Ala.; rental $132.51 per annum 132.51
Reid Lumber Company, 21,125 lineal feet of 60 pound relay rail and fastenings, at Whitesburg, Ala.; rental $220.60 per annum 220.60
Crabtree Lumber Company, 17,001 feet of rail and fastenings, near Tuscaloosa, Ala.; rental $200 per annum 200.00
McLean Lumber Company, 304.65 tons of 60 pound rail and fastenings, at Hairston, Ala.; rental $541.88 per annum 541.88
Chattanooga Traction Company, 122 22/2240 tons of rail, near Chattanooga, Tenn.; annual rental equal to 6 per cent on valuation of [?] [any more in here?] 179.3[?]
Solely leased, but jointly used:
Leased from Belt Railway of Chattanooga, entire property; term Dec. 21, 1895, to July 1, 1945; stipulated payment as rental, taxes, interest on bonds and $500 per annum for organization expenses; the Alabama Great Southern pays, also, maintenance and operation 15,960.00
Used with Southern Railway Company, and The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Railway Company, entire property; for indefinite period from July 1, 1915; rental, including maintenance, operation, and taxes, divided on a percentage basis 35,554.19
Leased from Chattanooga Terminal Railway, entire property; for indefinite period from Aug. 15, 1905; stipulated payment $188 per month. [any more?]

[can't get page 989]

Meridian Terminal Company, passenger-station facilities and tracks appurtenant thereto at Meridian, Miss.; term 50 years from May 1, 1905; annual rental a proportion, on basis of cars handled, of interest on bonds, 4 per cent on capital stock, maintenance, and operation $3,957.21
City of Cincinnati, Ohio (Cincinnati Southern Railway—The Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Company, lessee), freight station facilities, yardmaster's office and river track at Chattanooga, Tenn.; for indefinite periods from August, 1900, June 1, 1889, and January, 1884, respectively; fixed rental of $45 per month for freight station facilities, $8 for yardmaster's office and $76.76 for river track. The amount of rental accrued and charged to income for the use of these facilities for the year was not ascertained.
Jointly used, part of which is owned, owning companies:
The Alabama and Vicksburg Railway Company, freight station, tracks, and other facilities appurtenant thereto, at Meridian, Miss.
New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company, engine house, coal chutes, tracks, and other facilities appurtenant thereto, at Meridian, Miss.
Alabama Great Southern, tracks and other facilities, not detailed, at Meridian, Miss.
The facilities above referred to are operated as a joint yard and and terminal for the handling of freight traffic, being supervised by a board of control comprising representatives from each participating carrier; annual rental a proportion, on basis of use, of interest at 5 per cent on valuation and of maintenance, operation, and taxes. Valuation for property of The Alabama and Vicksburg Railway Company, $468,270.90; for property of the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company, $316,525.02; for property of the Alabama Great Southern, $79,971.24. The Alabama Great Southern charged to its income account rentals for the use of the foregoing facilities as follows—
The Alabama and Vicksburg Railway Company 7,885.79
New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company 5,571.76
It also credited to its income account for the use of its property 1,785.90

There are other facilities of minor importance, such as stations,

over for operation by the United States Railroad Administration on January 1, 1918, as a part of the system of the Alabama Great Southern


The property of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company was conveyed to John Swann, substituted purchaser, by deed dated June 20, 1877, but the operation of the property continued in the name of the company until the property was surrendered to the Alabama Great Southern on November 30, 1877. No accounting records of the company were obtained except for the operation of the property from April 2, 1877, to November 30, 1877. Therefore, no information can be given from its accounts regarding its financial dealings or investments, and only partial information can be given regarding its corporate operations. However, certain data given below were obtained from other sources.

The records reviewed do not indicate whether the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company was controlled by any individual or corporation on June 20, 1877, the date of sale, nor, on the other hand, whether it then controlled any common-carrier corporation.

The property of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company was operated as indicated below. [where?]

The Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company owned on the date of sale approximately 290 miles of standard-gage, steam railroad, between Wauhatchie, Tenn., and Meridian, Miss. Of the 290 miles of road owned by the company on the date of sale, it had acquired 12 miles from the Wills Valley Railroad Company, 27 miles from the North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company, and 251 miles by construction. It is not known whether the construction of the road for the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company was performed by the forces of the company or by contract. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the chapter on development of fixed physical property in the report on the Alabama Great Southern.

A legal history of the Southern Railway Company, compiled by Fairfax Harrison, the present president of that company, records that the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company issued and assumed bonds as follows:



No accounting records of the North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company were obtained. Therefore, no information can be given from its accounts regarding its financial dealings, corporate operations, or investments. However, certain data given below were obtained from other sources.

The records reviewed do not indicate whether the North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company was controlled by any individual or corporation on November 18, 1868, the date of its consolidation, nor, on the other hand, whether it controlled any common-carrier corporation. The property of the company was operated by the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad Company or the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company from the date it was placed in operation in 1864 to the date of consolidation.

The North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company owned on the date of consolidation approximately 27 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Meridian, Miss., and York, Ala., which had been acquired by construction. It is not known whether the construction work was performed by the forces of the company or by contract. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the chapter on development of fixed physical property in the report on the Alabama Great Southern.

A legal history of the Southern Railway Company, compiled by Fairfax Harrison, the present president of that company, records that the North East and South West Alabama Railroad Company issued [...]


No accounting records of this company were obtained. Therefore, no information can be given from its accounts regarding its financial dealings, corporate operations, or investments. However, certain data given below were obtained from other sources.

The records reviewed do not indicate whether the company was controlled by any individual or corporation on November 18, 1868, the date of its consolidation, nor, on the other hand, whether it controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property of the company was operated by its own organization from the date it was completed to the date of consolidation.

The Wills Valley Railroad Company owned on the date of consolidation approximately 12 miles of single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, between Wauhatchie, Tenn., and Trenton, Ga., which had been acquired by construction. It is not known whether the construction work was performed by the forces of the company or by contract. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the chapter on development of fixed physical property in the report on the Alabama Great Southern.

A legal history of the [...]


This company was controlled on February 2, 1917, the date of sale, by the Alabama Great Southern through ownership of its capital stock. On the other hand, the records reviewed do not indicate that the company controlled any other common-carrier corporation. The property of the company was not placed in operation prior to the date of sale.

The railroad owned on date of sale amounted to 2.97 miles. It consisted of a standard-gage, steam railroad wholly within the State of Tennessee and extending from a connection with the railroad of the Alabama Great Southern at Wauhatchie to a connection with the tracks of the Memphis-Chattanooga Railway near Lookout Mountain, Tenn.


The entire 2.97 miles of railroad owned by the company on the date of sale was acquired by construction. The construction work was performed partly by Thrasher and Gunter, contractors, who do not appear to have been [?] with the company, and partly by forces of the Southern Railway Company. Further details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the chapter on development of fixed physical property in the report on the Alabama Great Southern.