Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Arkansas Western Railway

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 75

The Arkansas Western Railway


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of The Arkansas Western Railway Company, hereinafter referred to as the Arkansas, is located in the states of Oklahoma and Arkansas. Its main line extends from Heavener, Okla., to Waldron, Ark., a distance of 32.348 miles. It also owns 4.566 miles of other tracks, making a total mileage of 36.914 miles. The following table shows this mileage divided between states: [table]

Corporate History


The Arkansas was incorporated under the general laws of the state of Arkansas on May 13, 1904, for a period of 50 years. The incorporation was procured at the instance of The Kansas City Southern Railway Company for the purchase of the property of the Arkansas Western Railroad Company by the Arkansas and the transaction was completed on June 1, 1904. The Arkansas was controlled on valuation date by The Kansas City Southern Railway Company through ownership of all of its outstanding capital stock and bonds.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


With the exception of some unimportant additions to side-track mileage, the entire line of the Arkansas was purchased from the Arkansas Western Railroad Company. It extends from Heavener, Okla., to Waldron, Ark., and includes approximately 32.348 miles of main track, with about 4.566 miles of sidings and yard tracks.

According to the records of the Arkansas these tracks are located as follows:

Classification. In Oklahoma. In Arkansas. Total.
Main track owned and operated. 9.659 22.689 32.348
Side tracks owned and operated. .529 4.037 4.566
Totaled owned mileage. 10.188 26.726 36.914

The additions and betterments made to the property since its acquisition have been unimportant in character, and up to June 30, 1914, had cost but $10,993.53.

Predecessor Companies


Arkansas Western Railroad


Corporate History

The above-named company, hereinafter styled the Railroad, was incorporated on December 13, 1899, under the general laws of the State of Arkansas. Its declared purpose was to build, maintain, own, and operate a railroad from Heavener, Le Flore County, Okla. (then in the Choctaw Nation of the Indian Territory), eastwardly to Waldron, Scott County, Ark., together with the necessary spurs. The company appears to have been the original venture and had no underlying corporations.

Its promoters were Col. C. C. Godman and his associates of Fort Smith, Ark., local capitalists interested in coal-mining operations in that vicinity.

The property, rights, and franchises of the Railroad were purchased by The Arkansas Western Railway Company on June 1, 1904; possession was given immediately, and on that date the Railroad ceased to exist.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

The property owned by the Railroad was constructed by it in two sections, one extending from Heavener, Okla., to Cauthorn, Ark., a distance of about 18.80 miles, which was commenced sometime in 1900 and by November 18, 1901, was so far completed as to permit the handling in construction trains of such business as was offered; the second section extending from Cauthorn, Ark., to Waldron, Ark., a distance of about 13.53 miles, was built during the year 1901. The entire line, comprising approximately 32.33 miles, was opened for regular commercial service on February 2, 1902. The records of the Railroad show that some 3.64 miles of sidings and yard tracks were also constructed.

The right of way appears to have been acquired through the promoter, Colonel Godman, who also made the preliminary and location surveys; sundry contractors did the grading work and were paid on the basis of the work actually performed by each. The ties were procured on or immediately adjacent to the right of way. The rails used were secondhand and were obtained from various sources. The subsequent additions and betterments were apparently unimportant, as the total charge for such work amounted to but $1,100.11.

Kansas City, Hot Springs and Southeastern Railroad


The above-named company was incorporated under the general laws of the state of Arkansas on December 7, 1901. Its charter provided for the construction of a line of railroad to extend from Waldron, Ark., to Hot Springs, Ark., and beyond.

The company was incorporated in the interest of the Arkansas Western Railroad Company, so as to preempt the right to build a line between the points named and to hold that right for the benefit of the latter-named company.

No property was acquired or construction undertaken by this company.

Under the laws of the state of Arkansas charters issued to railway companies lapse and become noneffective unless one-tenth of the projected mileage is constructed within 18 months from the date of incorporation. By reason of the failure to comply with this requirement of the statute this company automatically became defunct in June, 1903.