Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Belt Railway of Chicago

The railroad operated by The Belt Railway Company of Chicago, herein called the Belt Railway, is a standard-gage, steam, switching railroad, located in Illinois, almost entirely within the city limits of Chicago. The major portion of the railroad is double track. The Belt Railway owns no road or equipment. Its operated main line, aggregating 29.792 miles of road and extending from South Chicago westerly to Clearing and Argo, thence northerly to Cragin Junction, is leased from the carrier. In addition, the Belt Railway jointly uses with The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company 0.164 undivided mile of double-track road which is owned jointly by the latter company and the carrier. It also leases from the carrier extensive freight yards at Clearing, and other facilities.


The Belt Railway was incorporated November 22, 1882, under the general laws of the State of Illinois, for the purpose of constructing and operating a line of railway from a point on Lake Michigan near Belmont Avenue in Lake View Town to points of connection with the railroads of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company and the carrier, all in Cook County, Ill. The date of organization of the Belt Railway was March 30, 1883.