Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Blue Ridge Railway

Location and general description of property.—The railroad of Blue Ridge Railway Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located entirely within the State of South Carolina, and extending from Walhalla to Belton. The owned mileage extends from Walhalla to Anderson, a distance of 34.277 miles. The carrier also uses exclusively the line from Anderson to Belton, 9.908 miles, which is owned by the Southern Railway Company, making a total operated mileage of 44.185 miles. Yard and side tracks aggregate 9.036 miles, of which 7.675 miles are owned and 1.361 miles are leased from the Southern. The total of all tracks operated is 53.221 miles, of which 41.952 miles are owned and 11.269 miles are leased from the Southern Railway Company. The carrier also uses certain equipment owned by the Southern Railway Company, some owned by The Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Railway Company, and some by The Atlantic and Danville Railway Company.

Corporate history.—The carrier was incorporated under the general law of South Carolina, approved February 28, 1899, by Fairfax Harrison, B. L. Abney, and E. M. Thompson, hereinafter called the purchasers, who filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state on August 26, 1901, and to whom a charter was issued by him on September 28, 1901. The carrier was incorporated for the purpose of owning, possessing, and operating that part of the property, franchises, rights, etc., of the Columbia and Greenville Railroad Company, formerly owned by the Blue Ridge Railroad Company in South Carolina. The carrier has always operated its own property. Its principal corporate office is located at Anderson, S. C., and its principal accounting office at Washington, D. C. Appendix 2 contains further data under this heading and a statement of the development of fixed physical property.


Reference is made to the report of the accounting section for detailed information respecting the predecessor of the carrier, the Blue Ridge Railroad Company of South Carolina.


The carrier's predecessor, the Blue Ridge Railroad Company of South Carolina, was incorporated under an act of the Legislature of South Carolina, passed December 16, 1852. By deed dated July 1, 1880, and confirmed by deed of March 29, 1881, the property, rights, and franchises of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company of South Carolina were conveyed to the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company. On November 23, 1880, the property passed to the Columbia and Greenville Railroad Company. From that time until September 28, 1901, the property was operated part of the time by Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, as lessor, and subsequent to January 1, 1894, by receivers. On July 15, 1901, the property, rights, and franchises formerly owned by the Blue Ridge Railroad Company of South Carolina were sold to the purchasers. Conveyance was made to them by an instrument dated July 29, 1901, from the special master. The purchasers subsequently organized the carrier, to which they conveyed the property, rights, and franchises so acquired, by a deed dated September 28, 1901.


The railroad of the carrier was constructed during the life of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company of South Carolina and was completed in 1861. The available records do not disclose whether the road was constructed under contract or by company forces.