Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Colorado Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 134

The Colorado Railroad


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of The Colorado Railroad Company, herein called the Colorado Railroad, is a single-track line located in the States of Wyoming and Colorado. It consists of main line mileage between Cheyenne, Wyo., and Fort Collins, Colo., and between Southern Junction and Walsenburg Junction, Colo., which sections comprise connecting links in the Colorado and Southern's principal main line. In addition, the Colorado Railroad owns several small branches in Colorado. With the exception of 3.761 miles of narrow-gauge track on one of the branch lines, the railroad is standard gauge and aggregates 122.503 miles of road.



The Colorado Railroad is a corporation of the State of Colorado having its principal office at Denver, Colo. It is controlled by the Colorado and Southern, through ownership of a majority of the outstanding capital stock. On the other hand the records do not indicate that this company controls any common-carrier corporation. The property has been operated by the Colorado and Southern since it was constructed.

Corporate History


The Colorado Railroad was incorporated on July 6, 1906, under the general laws of the State of Colorado for the purpose of constructing or purchasing lines of railroad in the State of Colorado. The articles of incorporation were filed in the State of Wyoming June 15, 1909. The date of its organization was July 7, 1906. The company acquired through purchase on January 24, 1908, the properties, rights, and franchises of The Fort Collins Development Railway Company, which had been incorporated November 10, 1902, under the general laws of the State of Colorado. It also acquired by purchase, on July 11, 1910, the properties, rights, and franchises of The Walsenburg and Western Railway Company, which had been incorporated February 27, 1907, under the general laws of the State of Colorado.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The owned mileage, 122.503 miles, was acquired by purchase and construction. The years when the various portions of the line were constructed and the manner in which the company acquired the property are indicated in the following statement:

Acquired by purchase:
From The Fort Collins Development Railway Company, constructed by that company—
Fort Collins to Wellington, Colo., 1903. 10.98
Wellington to Dixon Spur, Colo., 1904-1906. 1.45
Wellington to Waverly, Colo., 1905. 4.69
Total. 17.12
From The Walsenburg and Western Railway Company
Constructed by that company, connection between Colorado and Southern and Huerfano Fuel Company track, 1907. 0.65
Constructed by the Huerfano Fuel Company, Walsenburg, Colo., Montana Avenue, to McNally mine, 1907. 0.70
Total. 1.35
Acquired by construction:
Cheyenne Junction, Wyo., to Dixon Spur, Colo., 1910. 32.13
Southern Junction to Walsenburg Junction, Colo., 1910. 46.49
Bellevue Junction to Ingleside, Colo., 1906. 9.22
Black Hollow Junction to Black Hollow, Colo., 1906. 8.69
Watertown to Silica, Colo, (narrow gauge), 1908. 3.76
Extensions. 4.10
Total. 104.39
Total recorded mileage. 122.86
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation. .357
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation. 122.503

In the construction of its road, the Colorado Railroad employed The Utah Construction Company and Kilpatrick Brothers, contractors, for the work of clearing and grading.

Leased Railway Property


The entire property of the Colorado Railroad is leased to the Colorado and Southern for 20 years from May 14, 1910. The terms of the lease and the rental accrued for the year ending December 31, 1917, are given in the chapter on leased railway property of the report on the Colorado Railroad.