Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Craig Mountain Lumber Company's Railway

The railroad of Craig Mountain Lumber Company's Railway, hereinafter called the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railway located in the northern part of Idaho. The owned mileage extends westwardly from Craig Junction to Winchester, Idaho, a distance of 6.127 miles. The carrier also owns yard and side tracks totaling 1.050 miles. Its road thus embraces 7.177 miles of all tracks owned.

Corporate history.—The Craig Mountain Lumber Company, which owns and operates the carrier as a separate property, was incorporated March 17, 1909, under the general laws of the State of Washington. The purpose for which the lumber company was incorporated was to conduct a general logging and lumber business. The date of organization was not disclosed by the records. Its principal office is located at Winchester. The road owned by the carrier on date of valuation was constructed by the lumber company, on behalf of the carrier. Construction was begun in September, 1909, and the road placed in operation January 1, 1911.

History of corporate financing, capital stock, and long-term debt.—