Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Dexter and Piscataquis Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 30

Dexter & Piscataquis Railroad


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of Dexter & Piscataquis Railroad Company, herein called the Dexter & Piscataquis, is a single-track, standard-gage, steam railroad, located in the south-central part of Maine. The owned mileage extends from Dexter, Me., to Dover (or Dover-Foxcroft), Me., a distance of 16.621 miles. The Dexter & Piscataquis also owns yard and side tracks totaling 4.566 miles. Its road thus embraces 21.187 miles of all tracks owned. All of its property is leased to and operated by the carrier.

Corporate History


The Dexter and Piscataquis was incorporated on February 20, 1888, under the general laws of the State of Maine. Since December 13, 1888, the Dexter and Piscataquis has been leased to and operated by the carrier. The principal office of the Dexter and Piscataquis is at Bath, Me. The Dexter and Piscataquis built 16.621 miles of road between Dexter and Foxcroft, Me., which was completed on December 30, 1889. It was leased to the carrier before its completion.

Leased Railway Property


The property of the Dexter & Piscataquis was leased to the carrier for a term of 999 years from December 13, 1888. The lease provides that the lessee shall pay the interest on the lessor's bonds, 5 per cent on its capital stock, and $250 for organization expenses, annually.