Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Duluth and Superior Bridge Company

The property of The Duluth & Superior Bridge Company consists of a steel bridge across the St. Louis River between the cities of Duluth and Superior. The deck of the bridge is constructed in five longitudinal sections, the center section of which is occupied by two steam-railroad tracks exclusively used by the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company under a toll agreement. Other sections are used by street cars, bus lines, and pedestrians, all of which pay toll for the use of the bridge. The railroad tracks connect at the Wisconsin end of the bridge with the tracks of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, and at the Minnesota end with the tracks of the Duluth Terminal Railway Company. The bridge company owns no equipment and handles no cars, nor does it perform any transportation service. It was incorporated under the laws of the State of Wisconsin in June, 1893, for the stated purpose of the construction, control, maintenance, and operation of a bridge for the passage of street-railway cars, wagons, and vehicles of all kinds, for the transit of animals, and for pedestrians. In 1894 the articles of incorporation were amended by resolution of the stockholders to include steam railroads as well as other kinds of traffic.

In regard to status of Duluth & Superior Bridge Co., 76 I. C. C. 245, we found that this company does not perform any transportation service.