Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Fort Street Union Depot Company

The property of The Fort Street Union Depot Company, hereinafter called the carrier, consists of a passenger station with certain tracks and auxiliary buildings at Detroit, Mich. Its facilities are used by the Pere Marquette Railroad Company, the Wabash Railway Company, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, hereinafter referred to as the Pere Marquette Railroad Company, Wabash Railway Company, and Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respectively, and as the lessees when referred to collectively.

The carrier owns a double-track railroad extending from a connection near Eighteenth Street with the double main tracks operated jointly by the Pere Marquette Railroad Company and the Wabash Railway Company to the passenger station at Third and Fort Streets. A large part of this line is carried on an elevated steel structure. Certain tracks used for passenger-car storage are leased from the Pere Marquette Railroad Company. Below is a statement of owned and used mileage:

Corporate history.—The carrier was incorporated August 24, 1889, under an act of the State of Michigan, entitled "An act to authorize the incorporation of companies for the construction of union railroad stations and depots with the necessary connecting tracks and the management of the same." The principal office is in Detroit.

History of corporate financing, capital stock, and long-term debt.—

The carrier is controlled by the Pore Marquette Railroad Company through ownership of a majority of its capital stock. The carrier acts under the lease as agent for the lessees in maintaining the property and keeps the record of operations.